Chapter 23 Reminiscing, & He Never Learns

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He back hugged me, "Hmm..." He kissed on the top of my head, "Malie, you do know that you can't hide your feelings from me, right?"

I relaxed into the hug, "It's just that you took by surprise, so I guess my feelings are just jumbled up." I said not facing him still.

"I get it. But I'll always be there for you when no one will be, got it?" He let go. And came in front of me.

His stormy grey eyes had so many emotions swirling in them, "If there is one thing I do know is that I don't regret giving you my first kiss." I said with a smile of my own.

"Good to know, now let's go find the others before they get worried." He kissed the side of my head and we walked silently, but it was definitely a comfortable silence between us.

We decided to head over to my parents' house for dinner as it was closer and Mommy called me to bring everyone, as they wanted to know the people I have grown up to be. The day was started to be normal, until it turned out to be unexpectedly beautiful.


I saw Daddy and Mommy sitting together outside in the garden. Since I couldn't sleep I headed to their place, "It's a bit chilly don't you think so?"

They turned around and Daddy smiled, "Pumpkin, I guess you're not used to the climate changes here."

"I guess so, so what are you guys doing out here. It's past 1 a.m."

"Nothing in particular, your Daddy and I are often out here late at night. But why aren't you asleep, dear?"

"Well I couldn't sleep a lot happened, a lot's on my mind. I guess may be the reason I couldn't sleep. So what do you guys think of Daniel?"

"He's a nice boy, dear. I'm just glad that you were taken into a loving family." My Mother sighed.

I can kind of figure it, after all I am still having a hard time digesting this information that my parents are alive and okay. It happens... But no matter how many times I see my mother's and father's faces it still seems a sweet dream, "Mal, dear..." My mom called me bringing me out of my stupor.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We wanted to ask you something..." Mommy started but then stopped.

"You can ask me anything Mommy and you know that."

"It's just that are you going to return to California?" She asked.

Well that was unexpected, "Mommy, I can't just leave everything, so I guess I will be returning..." I sighed.

This had been on my mind as well. But I have some commitments. And besides my adoptive parents waiting for me there, who withstood everything I threw at them, but never once did they complain, I owe them at least this much, "Even if we said that the danger of returning is more terrifying than you can think?" Mommy challenged me.

"What do you mean?" I asked in question.

"When I was talking to Dawn, she told me that the person they assumed was put to behind bars has somehow been bailed and his wife was found dead, in her prison, he may be the person behind all those attacks. Do you still want to go back to the place where only horrifying memories lie?"

I admit I was taken aback at her statement, but I would never bow in the face of evil even if it meant putting myself in risky situations, "Yeah, I do want to go back because there are wonderful memories over there as well. Of course, I had endure some tough times but I wouldn't trade with anything." I replied, smiling.

Both of them looked at each other, and Daddy burst out laughing, "Lil, she really is our daughter, that's for sure! Only you would jump into risky situations. She literally your copy in that case."

Mommy shook her head, "That's true, and I wish she hadn't inherited my habits..." But a smile graced her face, "But if she hadn't she wouldn't be my Mal."

"Don't worry, pumpkin, we know very well how much you love your adoptive parents and family, any blind person can tell, so we are deciding to head back to our home, the only reason we never returned was because well that place had nothing but bitter memories for us." Daddy told me.

"What home, Daddy?" I asked curiously.

"The one where you spent your childhood years and the place where you first came home to us." Mommy smiled.

Since my memories are blurred don't remember that place very well, Daddy might have sensed something, "Pumpkin do you want to see your childhood pictures?"

My face instantly lighted up on the word pictures and I nodded, he stood up and went to get the pictures, Mommy stood up and came to where I stood near the flower beds, "You're Daddy is an enthusiast when it came to you. Every chance he got he took pictures of you. And do you want to know a funny thing?" I nodded, "You often annoyed on purpose to make your Daddy pamper you. Later on, he would get an earful from me that he pampers you too much, but your Daddy paid absolutely no heed to my words." Mommy smiled reminiscing the past.

Honestly it surprises me that I could be like that, as when I went to live with my adoptive parents I made sure not to trouble them, but Dad always figured out himself what I wanted when even Mom was helpless. Daddy came with the family album, and I was surprised to see nothing less than 1000 pictures and that's saying something. Since it got chilly we went inside the living room to see all the pictures, and each picture had a very funny story behind it. In midway I and Daddy fell asleep.

I felt as though, someone was pointing a small torchlight at me. Ugh! Finally giving in I turned the other way only to fall down, I yelped. I heard people laughing. Opening my eyes I saw the twins, Daniel, Austin, Serena and Brian laughing their butts off and the flashlight before was Mommy taking pictures, a second later Daddy, who asleep with me on the couch, abruptly woke up, looking at me he asked innocently, "Amalie, dear what on earth are you doing on the floor?"

"You don't wanna know." I sighed.

Austin helped me up, "My neck hurts, and I wonder when I fell asleep on the couch?"

"You father, daughter fell asleep looking at your old photos which by the way thanks to someone are now scattered all over the place." Mommy pointed out.

Looking down I saw what she meant and true enough it seriously was a mess but more than me it was the Daddy who scattered them, "Dear, aren't you going to clean your mess?"

Melvin came to my and Austin's side, "This is the funny part. Just watch." He whispered.

Daddy gulped, "Uh... Yeah, well I just remembered that I have some things to care of. See you later." And with that Daddy literally ran from the room.

"I swear that man never changes! No matter how many times I lecture him to clean his but does he listen? Oh hell no!" Mommy mumbled angrily.

"I'll help clean up after all it's partially my fault for the mess."

"Oh no dear it's fine, don't worry about these small things, go change into something fresh."

"Yeah, small problem in that, I didn't bring any spare clothes with me." I pointed out.

"It's fine, I asked Serena bring some of your clothes since I knew, you hastily made the decision to go. I go bring it for you." Austin smiled. And left, I couldn't help but smile myself thinking of the previous events. 


I hope you guys like this chapter! Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT on your thoughts!

Till next time,
LilyRose 😘.

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