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Dick yawned as he dragged himself into the office. He'd had a late night. He made it to his desk before dropping his stuff and laying his head down. He needed more sleep. And that was when Amanda walked up with something worth it's weight in gold.

"Donut?" She held one out in front of her. Donuts were Grayson's wake up call, as well as coffee and cereal. His eyes snapped open. Amanda placed the donut is his hand. He mumbled a thank you before shoving it in his mouth.

"I will never understand how you manage to keep that body with all those donuts." Amanda said. Dick shrugged. "I don't care. I can look good and eat donuts. Besides, donuts are delicious." "Amen to that." Donuts were pretty much sacred in the office.

"Anyway, the chief wants to talk to us. He's got another box in his office." Dick stood up. "What are we waiting for?" Amanda rolled her eyes and followed her now awake brother to the chief's office. They were about to run out of donuts.

In the office, the rest of the squad stood waiting. They were surrounding a donut box. They looked up and saw the two enter. "Grab your last donut! We're about to go out." The chief joked as he grabbed another one. "Haha. Very funny. You try going two days without sleep." Dick grumbled as he grabbed two. He rung one on his finger and started eating the other.

"I know, it's just you eat those things all the time. I'm surprised you aren't sick." "I went through several winters in Gotham in shorts. This is nothing." Dick said, his mouth full of donut.

"Anyway, onto business. Gotham PD had asked for our help in catching one of their criminals who came here." "Which one?" Amanda asked. "Joker."

Dick choked on his donut. "You ok, Grayson?" Brutus asked while he was coughing. "Yeah. Just had bad experiences with this creep." Dick said, clearing his throat. "I would think so. That's why I want you as my backup. You'll spend most of your time in the department, but you'll be on alert." The chief explained. "Ok, but I've dealt with him. Like yeah, bad experiences, but you've had none. Zip. Zilch. None. Nein."

The chief rolled his eyes. "I think those donuts are getting to you." "I'm fine. Just know, if he says he wants to play, get the hell out of there." "Will do."

The squad™ left to go track down the mad clown while Dick went back to his desk. He hacked into the Gotham PD files and looked for information on Joker. He'd escaped three days ago, and had been seen heading towards Blüdhaven. Nothing to say he was actually in Blüdhaven

Dick was finding it weird that Gotham would ask for help instead of just sending Batman. That was when Commissioner Gordon walked in. "Hey, Gordon. Donut?" Dick offered him the one that had been hung on his finger. "Thanks. Your chief in?" Dick shook his head. "Went out to answer your call for help." Gordon looked confused. "What call?" "You asked for help with the Joker?" "That's what this visit is about."

Dick cursed under his breath. "It's a trap. I'm going out. I'll tell him you came." Dick said as he strapped his gun to his thigh. "Wait. I'm coming with you." "You sure? This is Blüdhaven, not Gotham." "Positive. If that clown is putting cops in danger, then it's our job to get them out." Gordon said as he ruffled Dick's hair. "Well? Let's go, then!"

They drove around for about ten minutes when they noticed three police cars parked outside a warehouse. "That's gotta be it. They're the only ones out right now." Dick said as he turned off the car. They leapt out and crept towards the entrance. Dick noticed a sky light and motioned that he was going up. Gordon nodded and headed for the door.

Dick made his way to the sky light and looked in. The six cops were unconscious, and strapped to chairs. The Joker sat in front of them, waiting for them to wake up. Dick motioned for Gordon to go in. The doors slammed open, and Gordon yelled for the Joker to give himself up.

"Finally! Do you know how long I've been waiting for some new toys?" The Joker smiled as he pulled a knife. Dick growled. "Now, I've heard rumors of a rookie that does better than half the department! You know him?" "Yeah, but I'm not giving him up."

"Oh, you don't have to! He's going to come if his own accord." "And how are you sure about that?" "Because I have his friends. And he'll figure out that the call wasn't real. I called them and got them here." Dick started aiming.

"I wouldn't count on it. I've told him not to come." "And I've heard he doesn't always follow orders. He's going to come anyway." Dick took a breath, and shot.

Joker went down, clutching his leg. Dick leapt down, rolling to avoid damage. "I'm here." The squad™ started waking up. They noticed Dick standing in front of Joker, who was on the ground. "I've said it once, and I'll say it again. You never cease to amaze me." Selina said. Dick chuckled.

He cuffed Joker before walking over and freeing the squad™. They rubbed their wrists, the ropes having been very tight. "So. Donuts to celebrate?" Dick asked. Amanda screeched. "I swear, you and those donuts are going to kill me!" Dick laughed. "So that's a yes?" The chief nodded.

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