The baby part two

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Wally came into a silent apartment, not unusual since the newest arrival. Dick was asleep on the couch, Mara on his chest. He and Mara had been stuck like glue, and with the chief giving Dick a few days off, it had only increased the bond. Dick acted like a mother, caring for the baby with as much love as he could.

Wally was worried for when social services finally came. Dick had grown so close to the little girl, and Wally didn't want to see his heart broken. Mara made him so happy, and that made Wally happy.

Wally gently shook Dick's shoulder, waiting for the blue orbs he loved. When they did appear, he smiled. "Hey, babe. I'm going to make dinner, and I figured you would want to feed Mara." Dick nodded and slowly sat up, keeping Mara asleep. Wally kissed his forehead and went to make the food.

Dick got the bottle and powder he'd bought after bringing Mara home and made the milk. Mara seemed to sense it was time to eat, and woke up. "Hey, baby girl. How are you today?" Dick smiled, directions the bottle towards her mouth.

She grabbed the bottle and started drinking, making Dick chuckle. Mara's little laugh, her brilliant blue eyes, it all lifted Dick's spirit. Wally wrapped an arm around Dick's waist and smiled lovingly. "She looks like you." "Really? She's got your mischief in her eyes."

The phone started ringing, and Wally went to get it. Dick watched, still paying attention to Mara. "This is the future Grayson-West residence. How can I help you?" "Wally, this is the chief. Social services are here, and they've found a home for Mara. We need you to bring her here, to the precinct." Wally's heart fell. "We'll be right over."

Wally ended the call and sighed. "Social services have finally come, and they've found a home for Mara. We need to take her." Dick's face crumbled. "I know, babe. I love her too. But it's too dangerous in our line of work, and they've already found a home for her. She won't spend any time in a orphanage." Wally attempted to comfort him.

"I know, I just...she makes me happy." "I know, babe. I really do. But I promise, she'll be happy and taken care of." Dick bit his lip, but nodded. Wally grabbed the diaper bag they'd been carrying with them and led Dick out the door.

The ride was silent. Dick sat with Mara in the back, letting her hold onto his finger. Mara playfully nibbled on it, teething already. Dick had to hold back tears. "I love you, Mara." Dick kissed her forehead.

At the precinct, Dick carried Mara in, along with a heavy heart. A woman in a dress shirt and pencil skirt stood by his desk. "Richard Grayson-West?" "That's my future name. Wedding hasn't happened yet.." "My name is Skylar Dorrin. I'm here to take Mara to get new home." Dick nodded and carefully handed Mara to Skylar. Mara whimpered and reached for Dick, and Dick had to restrain himself from taking Mara back.

"Thank you for taking care of her. I promise, she's going to a safe home." "She likes to grab onto fingers, and she's started teething." Wally grabbed Dick's hand, a concerned look on his face. "Thank you for the information. Good day, gentlemen." Skylar walked away, a crying Mara in his arms.

"Let's get you home, babe." Wally gently pulled Dick along, leading him to the car. He sat in the back with Dick, holding Dick's hands. "Hey, look at me, babe." Dick looked up, tears lining his eyes.

"She's gonna be ok. I'll see if I can check up on her in a few days." Dick nodded, choking back tears. "C'mere." Wally pulled Dick into a hug, his cheek resting on the side of Dick's head.

Dick wrapped his arms around Wally and started crying, heart screaming for Mara. "It's gonna be ok, babe. I'm gonna miss her too." "I want her back. I want my Mara." "I know, Dickie. But this family can take care of her, better than we can. It's gonna be ok."
A week later, and Dick still wasn't ok. He didn't sleep as well, Wally often woke up to the bed being empty. He'd caught Dick holding Mara's bottle, just staring at it. He had pictures on his phone, unable to bring himself to delete them.

So, Wally decided to do something about it. Thanks to one lucky patrol, Wally had found the perfect thing. He talked with Clancy, telling her about how Dick was grieving, and needed something to help him. It almost didn't make it with the rules, but Clancy was willing to make an exception for Dick.

Wally came in one day, his surprise in a box with holes. Dick was sitting on the couch, holding Mara's bottle again. "Hey, babe. I've got something for you." Dick looked up slowly.

"I know you still miss Mara. So, one day during patrol, I found this little guy in an alley. I brought him and got him vaccinated, and Clancy is willing to make an exception to the rules for you. Here, open it." Wally handed the box to Dick.

Dick carefully set Mara's bottle on the coffee table and started to open the box. Wally waited, his phone recording. Dick took the top off and gasped, tears coming to his eyes.

In the box was a puppy. A puppy with golden fur and brilliant, blue eyes. "His name is Martan. He's ours to keep, Dick. He's about six months old, and he's a golden retriever." Wally explained as Dick slowly took Martan out of the box. He cradled Martan up his chest and started crying.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!" Wally laughed and pulled Dick into a hug, making sure to not crush Martan. "I wanted to wait until you knew so we could buy supplies. I've been making a collar for him, with some help from the vets."

Wally pulled out a black collar, the pattern alternating between the Nightwing and the Kid Flash symbol. He clipped it onto Martan, who was licking Dick's face. Wally picked the two up and carried them to the bed, smiling all the time.

Dick would never forget Mara. She had a place in his heart, especially once he learned she was staying in Blüdhaven. But Wally and Martan were there for him, to help him through the grief of losing Mara. If he ever needed someone to take care of Martan on a moments notice, all he had to do was ask one of the many officers, or family members. He was really lucky to know them.

Officer Grayson One-shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora