Blake's story

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Ethan smiles at them and then walks out. He walks through the halls and sees Jack and Li standing infront of eachother with a smile. He smirks "cute" he whispers and walks on before finding Blake outside.

She smiles happily and waves at him "now can we go swimming?" She asks.

Ethan nods. "now we can go swimming."

They walk through the same white halls and then down some white stairs before into some room with changing rooms.

"I'll be right back. The swimwear for men is in that room." Blake points at a brown door and Ethan nods. He walks over and opens the door seeing a lot of swimsuits and other stuff.

He takes something out and changes in a changing room. After, he waits on Blake.

She stumbles out another room and giggles as she looks at Ethan's confused face. "Are you alright?" He asks.

Blake nods. "Just a bit clumsy." She smiles at him and then takes his wrist.

She pulls him in the room with the pool. It's big, the pool itself is big and around it there are some chairs and tables.

Blake takes two towels and lays them on a table.

Ethan picks up Blake and holds her above the water. She looks at him with rosey cheeks and squeels.

Ethan snickers silently. "Time to swim."

She pouts and before she knows it, Ethan jumps in while he's still holding her tight. They resurface quickly and Blake splashes a bit water at him.

"Meany." She pouts childishly.

Ethan snickers "Sorry Blakey."

"Oh you'll get payback, trust me." She awnsers and grins before disappearing under the water.

Ethan looks around and looks for her but doesn't find her. "Blake?"

Suddenly a big wave hits him and he tumbles under water. He looks around and hears a giggle before seeing Blake waving at him.

Ethan smirks and swims towards her but Blake is faster and swims away.

He swims after her and then looks around as she disappeared. Blake then appears behind him and taps his shoulder before pointing up.

He nods and they resurface. "I want ice cream." Blake says and pulls him to the shore. Ethan laughs and gets out. He sticks put his hand and Blake takes it before getting pulled out.

"Where is the ice cream?" Ethan asks and looks around.

Blake gasps dramatically "you don't know where it is? Oh wait... That makes sense..."

Ethan tilts his head in confusion "what?"

"Um... Nevermind, you sit down, I'll get the ice cream." She walks away quickly.

Ethan shrugs "ok then..." He wonders what she means by that it makes sense. He knows every corner of the facility, after all, he grew up there. Or didn't he? He starts to doubt it. He knows that people get here but what he doesn't know is that their memory gets wiped away. He sits on a chair and waits on Blake.

He waits for a few minutes and looks at the clock above the door they came through.

Blake comes back and sits down. She gives him a spoon and opens a box of ice cream before taking a bite of the ice cream.

Ethan smirks "This is good."

Blake grins "It's my favorite."

Ethan nods and they continue to eat it. As it's almost gone he looks up to her. "I'd like to get to know you better."

She tilts her head a bit "how?"

"Tell me about yourself."

She thinks for a second and then starts to talk. “I was born on September 12, down in London England. I had an older twin brother named Grey, and an older sister. When I was around 7 years old...I accidentally killed my sister....that’s a story for later. Anywho, my dad started to hate me. A lot. And he didn’t want me anymore after the incident. So...he kicked me out at age eleven, even though my mom said no. I lived in an orphanage for a while, where I was treated terribly. I was abused, and occasionally raped by the other boys in the orphanage....anywho! One day, I was just walking around outside of the orphanage, during the winter time. And....then that’s how the ‘A.A.’ Found me. And they told me my life would be better. And my powers would come to good use....I feel like they have. But sometimes I wonder if I chose the right thing....but I guess I did since it is much better than the orphanage. I’d rather be here any day over that.”

He bites his lip. "That sounds... I don't know what to say..."

"It's ok, you don't have to say anything. What about you?"

"Well... I was born and raised here... Wait... What did you mean by it makes sense that it makes sense about me not knowing where the ice cream was?"

She sighs "I'm not supposed to tell you..."

"Please? I mean, I could just read your mind..."

She groans "ok fine. But don't tell them I told you."

Ethan nods

"So, you weren't born and raised here. You are just like some others here, you came here. Actually not long ago. You were happy and seemed really curious and excited." She looks down sadly "now all I see is another person they messed up badly... Your eyes... They're not what they were... You are different. You don't smile either, your smile was... It was nice."

Ethan bites his bottom lip softly. "I didn't have these?"

She shakes her head "they were blue. It really suited you."

"Then... What did they do?"

"Probably what they tried with me too. To wipe your memory clean and make you think what they want you to think. I'm sure they did other things with you too."

Ethan looks at the back of his spoon "so all I know is a lie?"

Blake nods timidly and looks at him before taking his free hand. "They do it a lot. I could try and help you remember."

Ethan looks at her. She looks back at him with a small frown. He then nods slowly. "Yeah, I'd appreciate it... I mean, they would have a reason... Right?"

Before Blake can awnser, someone walks in and she looks at them.


I'm sorry for not writing in a long time 😅

But ya know, got school stuff and..... I went through a writers block... Yay! *Coughs sarcastically*

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter.

Have a nice day/ good night! 😊


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