The conversation

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The men let go of him. "Thank you, you two can go now." The woman says and Ethan can hear their footsteps becoming more distant until a door shut and the footsteps are gone.

Suddenly everything is bright and Ethan has to blink a few times before he can see. The hood was gone and a woman walks to the opposite of the desk he is sitting at. She has her blond hair pulled up into a bun and has grey eyes. She doesn't look very old. Ethan guesses she must be in her late 20s.

The woman smiles at him and lays her arms on the desk "I'm sorry for the way you got here Mr

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The woman smiles at him and lays her arms on the desk "I'm sorry for the way you got here Mr. Brook. It's out of safety precautions. You see, our facility is secret. We don't want anyone to find out where we're stationed. That's also why you couldn't find information about us on the internet."

Ethan raises an eyebrow, wondering how she knows that he searched for their information. "Why is it secret?" He asks.

"We're part of the military. No one, exept the president himself and the high ranked members in the military, know what we are and what we do. We are secret because we... Make... Soldiers. Powerful soldiers. They'll fight in wars or protect people or events."

Ethan slowly nods, wondering what she means with powerful.

"Oh and we know what you searched for because we keep close track on our subjects. Besides, we wanted to make sure if you didn't tell anyone about us." She adds and then hands him a jar filled with cookies. "Cookie?" She asks with a smile.

Ethan is now genuinely confused but is very curious about what she is going to do with him. He nods and takes a cookie because to be honest, he is pretty hungry.

"Now, I welcome you into A.A., it's short for Ability Association. I already told you what we do. Do you have any questions?"

Ethan is happily munching the cookie as he looks up to her "yeah, why ability?"

She smirks "you see, we create powerful people. We give them abilities, if they don't already have them theirselves." She says.

Now Ethan understands "So..." He takes another bite of the cookie on which it disapears into his mouth. "The experiment. You're going to give me these... Abilities?" He asks.

She nods "exactly. Now, while we're in this room, you still have the change to back out. Once you have signed this" she says and gently shoves some papers, with a pen on it, towards him "and we leave this room, there is no way out."

Ethan thinks for a second and looks around the room. Infront of him, there is a brown wall with a white drawer. The woman or Ms/Mrs Wilson, is sitting on a black office chair. Her arms are resting on a white desk, her face expression shows that she's calm. She seems friendly and a bit like a mother figure. He wonders if she has any kids.

His gaze looked around the room some more and he sees another black chair standing right from him, On the left there is a large window through which he sees a city with large buildings. He doesn't know which city it is though.

 He doesn't know which city it is though

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He looks at the woman again. "I have a few questions."

"Go on."

"What am I supposed to call you? Where are we? You said A.A. is secret, yet outside, there is a city. What about my family and friends? Oh and, do you have any kids?" He asks, not caring the last question is weird.

She smirks "call me Mary or Ms. Wilson. And yes, A.A. is secret but we're hidden in plain sight. No one will expect to find us in the middle of a city. Your family and friends will be taken care of, that is if that didn't already happen and yes, I have a son." She can't help but smile at her last awnser.

Ethan gulps and looks a bit shocked "t-taken care of...?"

She giggles "not in that way. We didn't kill them or anything. A few of our people simply went over and told that everything is ok and that you're in a special program now."

Ethan slowly nods, all he cares about is that they aren't hurt, which according to Mary, they aren't. "So... What now?" He asks her.

"Well either you're going to sign that" she gestures at the papers "or I'll have to wipe your memory of our conversation and that of your family and friends and you go home." She awnsers.

Ethan bites his bottom lip a bit. He is very curious what will happen if he stays. After all, he wants this and the people he cares about don't worry about his whereabouts. He nods and takes the papers which ask for his medical record and a bunch of other questions. He takes the pen and fills in every question. It's three pages long with information on stuff he is about to expect and to what he has to agree, there are three pages on questions and the last page he has to sign. Ethan looks up once more at Mary, then outside and then signs the paper. He gently picks it up, feeling scared but also excited and hands them to Ms. Wilson.

She smiles "welcome aboard Mr. Brook, or can I call you Ethan now?" She asks.

He smiles a bit "call me whatever you want to."

She nods and turns around. The white drawer gets opened after she types in some code and she takes a file out. It is very thin and as Ethan looks closer, it has his name on it. When the woman opens it, it surprisingly is filled with his birth certificate and some other information. The papers he just signed get placed into it and the file gets put back into the drawer. Mary closes it and it makes a beep sound before she turns around again. "Ready  to see A.A.?" She asks.

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