Shuu stopped a few yards away from the class. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"What's up?" I asked. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but...what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Did you hear what's happening at the main campus?" He asked.

"No, they usually like to keep E class in the dark." I answered. "Why?"

"You need to get transferred back," He said. His body language was cool and collected, but his eyes betrayed his nervousness. "Things are going on, and you need to be there for it."

"What things? And you know as well as I do, I can't just waltz right into the main campus, there's a series of tests I would have to pass first, and they'll be rigged against me. And even if I do pass, your father would just simply veto my entry." I said. "It's bad for his reputation if an E class student gets moved back to the main campus."

"Do it anyways." He finally looked me in the eyes. "I need you there with me."

And in that moment, I would have done anything he asked.

"What's going on?" I asked again, serious mode activated.

"They're adding another wing to the school," He explained.

I blinked.

Letting out a sigh, I finally allowed myself to relax. "Damnit, Shuu, you had me worried for a second."

He glared at me. "What are you talking about? You don't see this as a threat?"

"How can it be?" I rolled my eyes.

"That student went missing on school property, remember? By that tunnel we found with the clue to Creation Enterprises. Both animal attacks were on school property, too. My father is doing everything possible to keep any word of this from being leaked. And now there's a sudden, random expansion being added to the school? An expansion no one, not even the teachers knew about? You don't think it's the least bit suspicious?"

Okay, now I saw he did have a point.

"Well, maybe the expansion is a cover for something." I admitted. "But what kind of connection could there be between Creation Enterprises and the school? The only thing I can think of is the renovation is a cover for Creation, but we know their old base was remade into a library elsewhere. Your father would never collaborate with them, his precious reputation would be ruined."

"Maybe he doesn't know," Asano said lowly. "Maybe someone else is pulling the strings, and my father is just trying to cover the tracks, not realizing what's really going on."

"That's more terrifying than anything else, someone having the one up on your father." I said.

He nodded in agreement.

Gakuho Asano was a terrible and terrifying human being, if you could call him that, but he was smart and powerful, and the thought of someone outmaneuvering him was almost unthinkable. What chance did two kids have against someone like that?

"Well, I guess I have to get back to the main campus now." I said, sighing as if this was such a chore.

"I'll see what I can do to get you accepted fairly." He said.

I shot him a smile. "I appreciate it, Shuu."

My heart pounded in excitement at the challenge.

And then I remembered.

"Oh, shit, wait, Shuu!" I called before he had gotten too far away.

"Yes?" He stopped and faced me.

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