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After their little crying moment, it was a little awkward for Derek, but Payton being herself, didn't make it feel uncomfortable

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After their little crying moment, it was a little awkward for Derek, but Payton being herself, didn't make it feel uncomfortable.

They both were sat on the edge of the cliff in silence, as Payton decided to be the first to speak," You know, Remember Me, was a thing Laura and I always said to each other"

"I remember, you even said it to me when you graduated" Derek said quietly as Payton grinned turning to him

"So, I know, its kind of weird, but don't think that just because I'm staying, is because Laura asked me to, I'm staying because I want to"

"Why though?" Derek asked her not turning to her, but just looking at the view, he was curious, Payton had no reason to just continue to listen to him, or even stay with him, the only thing that connected them was Laura.

He wasn't really friends with Payton, and he was not sure if they were even friends at the moment as well.

"I'll tell you one day, when I know my answer to that question Derek, for now, I just do, and that's all I can honestly" Payton lifted one leg, leaning her chin on it," There is a reason I came to Beacon Hills, and I need time to see if my choice for it, is the real reason, and not just because I ran away from my horrible life in New York"

"Was it that bad for you there?" Derek looked at her as she didn't frown or smile

"It was..." She licked her lips hesitant to even bring up the topi, "the moment I got married and decided to play with the hearts of all those men, give or take some of them deserved it, but still, it does not mean what I did was right"

"Do you not believe in love?" He dared to ask Payton as she chuckled

"I do, but I just I never found it yet, what about you? I think it's my turn to ask the question little Hale"

"I do" Derek hesitated, telling Payton his story, but he trusts her, so he told her everything about Paige. Payton listened without interrupting, and just stayed silent listening to his story, she did add any sympathetic comments, because Derek didn't need them, so all she did, was listen, it was all he needed.

"So, that's the reason, your eyes were blue before you became an Alpha?" Payton said turning to look at Derek as he nodded.

Payton then let out a sigh," You know, I have a confession to make, about why I am so keen on taking care of the three teens" She lowered her leg, and leaned forward with her elbows on her knees," I was pregnant, with my ex-husbands child, and one night, he got angry, thinking it wasn't his, and one thing lead to another, and I lost my baby"

"I'm sorry Payton" Derek said putting a hand on her shoulder as she shook her head

"I'm not saying what happened was for the best, but I was not ready to be a mother, mainly because I didn't even know who I was, and what I wanted for myself, I couldn't bring my child in the world, when I was still trying to figure it out myself"

"I'll never be able to undo my mistakes, but I can continue to live for it and make the right choices this time, so, I'm going to stick around if you'll have me little Hale" Payton admitted

"Of course I want you around, and I hope you stay this time," Derek said as he grabbed Payton's hand in reassurance

"I can't do this without you, Payton" She smiled to him tightening the hold on their connected hands.

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