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Payton's eyes shot open as she let out a painful gasp, as she sucked in air like her body had not had any for so long

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Payton's eyes shot open as she let out a painful gasp, as she sucked in air like her body had not had any for so long.

"Payton!!" voices cried as she blinked her eyes consistently trying to regain, her blurry vision, and as she did, she looked to see a bunch of people staring at her, all displaying mixed reactions.

She took in her breathing, as she realized she was laying on Derek's bed, and the ones gathering around was the Pack, Stiles, and Peter. She took a moment looking at everyone, as they stared at her, and her back to them.

She gathered with the looks everyone had, the teens all had tears running down their face, Cora who had a hand over her mouth shocked and Derek, Payton realized something was grasping her hand, and she looked discreetly and saw it was him holding it. He looked at her, and to others, it seemed almost lovingly.

"What happened to me?" Payton asked, the last thing she remembered, was laying in a cage, as Marcus had injected mistletoe into her, as she was slowly dying, Derek kept a hold on her hand and spoke up.

"Marcus, had said you were dead, and so he gave us the location, but he was nowhere to be found, all we found was you, in a cage..." Derek stopped speaking as Payton looked at his reaction, he was not telling her everything

"What happened when you found me?"

No one wanted to speak, except Peter, since he was who he was, not liking the whole tension." You were dead" He got a lot of glares as he raised his hands in defence

"It's the truth, and don't get at me, none of you has the balls to tell her, so I took the opportunity" Payton would have chuckled, at the statement.

"I didn't get revived by some weird magic right? That'll mess with my brains and all?" Payton jested as a few of them smiled at her joke, but noticed a few pained looks, she did not get an answer, from anyone, and Peter was going to speak again, but Cora and Stiles grabbed him, dragging him out of the loft. Erica and the boys left following the three, leaving just Scott and Derek alone with her.

"Okay seriously, what happened?" Payton couldn't help but lose her patience at the tension, she was feeling from her cousin and Derek, if she had to admit, she felt like she could barely breathe with the heaviness.

Derek looked at Scott," Can you leave us alone for a moment?" He asked as she watched her cousin nod his head leaving the loft as everyone else did.

Derek looked at Payton, as she flashed his eyes, showing that it was no longer red, but back to his blue ones. She shot up from the bed pulling her hand out of his, holding his cheeks, seeing the colour," Derek, what did you do?"

He did not pull away from her grasp as he closed his eyes, and explained that he gave up his Alpha powers, to bring her back, and immediately tears fell down her face, as she shook her head.

✓ | REMEMBER ME, derek haleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora