An explanation

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Well... It's been awhile huh. I've honestly been kinda avoiding and putting off doing this. I don't really know where to start or how to go about this. But I guess I can start with, I lied...


I did start on a new chapter for this story. I even got three chapters into a remake where I was hoping to have an actual storyline and not just random things happening and having decent pacing. While I was writing it I started losing motivation for the au. During the time I was losing motivation the original creator of the au was not wanting to continue and was handing it over. That and there wasn't a lot of new naj stories or updates I lost any motivation to continue writing the naj au.

(For me the naj au doesn't really have much to work with and is kinda limited with what can happen which made it difficult to come up with ideas too.)

So I'm sorry to say but I don't think I can continue either stories. I probably should've done this sooner but I had stopped using Wattpad. I only use Wattpad on an iPad and when I checked the last time I used it was May 28 2019. Yeah, been awhile.

I've been thinking of doing a QnA if people had certain questions for me. I won't answer some questions if I feel uncomfortable or think they're too personal though. I'll probably do a second part incase you have more questions about what I answered. I'll probably wait a week for questions before posting the QnA.

I have been having bad writers block and haven't written in over a year maybe even two but I'm hoping to start writing again.

I think that's all for now. I hope to see you all soon with something new. But until then, I'll just be here.

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