Remake Chapter 1

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Wake up, eat, go to school, get ignored, eat, get ignored, come home, eat, sleep. That was every day for you. The constant repeat was starting to become a nightmare. So you asked your parents if you could move or change schools. They told you they would have to think about it. Knowing it was the best you would get on such short notice you allowed it to drop. It was only two weeks later when Mom got home from her job that she told you that you would be moving. She was lucky enough to get a job offer from a town a few hours away. After asking when you would leave, which was in a week, you got to packing. Time seemed to fly and you were all ready to go. All you were waiting on was the moving truck.
"Everything ready to go sweetheart?" Your mom, Julia, asked you. Nodding you saw the moving truck coming down the street. Once the truck stopped two movers got out to help. While the movers moved the heavy things you and Mom carried lighter stuff while dad helped and made sure everything was good to go. After the last box was put in the truck the moving truck went ahead and left.
"Do you want to ride with me or your father?" Mom asked while unlocking her car.
"I'll ride with dad for the first half and then ride with you for the rest." You said as dad locked the house up and made his way over.
"Alright, we'll stop to rest a third of the way there, eat lunch halfway, and then stop for another rest two thirds of the way, then eat dinner when we get there." Mom said as you and dad saluted her before getting in his car.
"All set pumpkin?" Your dad, Chris, asked as you sat in the passenger seat. Giving him a nod you buckled up as he started the car. As soon as both cars were ready you left. Just like mom said you stopped at a rest place before moving on. Next you ate at a fast food place before continuing in mom's car. Then you stopped again to rest before finally arriving at the town you would live at. Looking out the window you saw lots of monsters and humans going about their evening.
"You alright hun?" Mom asked you. Nodding your head you realized that she couldn't see.
"Yeah, just... curious." You said watching a bunny monster walking along the sidewalk. You had never interacted or even personally seen a monster before so it was new. You didn't really have an opinion of monsters. Dad however didn't really like them. Then again he never really liked anyone but you and mom. Speaking of mom she loves monsters and always wanted to meet one.
"Well, you will have a lot of time to placate your curiosity." Mom said stopping at a red light. Looking at you she then said.
"If your really curious about monsters you just have to make friends with a few at your new school." Mom said giving your hand a pat before driving again. Looking at her you sighed knowing how hard that'll be.
"Hey, if you do get a few friends bring them over for dinner or something, I would love to meet someone who you consider your friend." Mom said smiling. You narrowed your eyes at her before asking.
"Are you sure it's not because you would like to meet a monster?" You ask causing her to jerk the wheel a little.
"How dare you accuse me of something like that I would never." Mom said blushing a little because you caught her red handed. Chuckling at mom's behavior you looked out the window to see houses. As you neared the end of the neighborhood mom stopped at the house where the moving truck was. Parking the car in the driveway you and mom saw dad pull up next to you. Getting out dad went to talk with the movers while you and mom went towards the house. Mom pulled out a key and unlocked the door. Looking inside you saw the living room, a bathroom, a staircase, and an entry to the kitchen. You heard dad call you to come and help so you put off exploring to help carry in boxes. The house was mostly furnished so you didn't bring a lot of furniture. You carried boxes with mom while the movers unloaded and carried the furniture. As you brought in a box of kitchen supplies you saw the movers carrying your desk upstairs. As more and more things got brought in the living room was half full of boxes. Once the last box got brought in dad went out to finish up with the movers while you and mom were left to organize. Luckily all the boxes were labeled so all you and mom had to do was move them into piles to be taken upstairs or unboxed. Halfway through dad came in to help. With everyone helping all the boxes got put into the right rooms to be unpacked.
"Sweetie, I'll fix dinner if you two can make the beds and unpack." Dad said coming downstairs after taking the last upstairs box up. You and mom agreed and went upstairs to work. As you walked upstairs you saw three rooms and a bathroom.
"The master bedroom will be mine and your fathers while you will have a normal bedroom. The other room with be your fathers office." Mom explained while you were looking in the rooms. You saw your room was the first door to the left of the stairs. Inside was a queen sized bed along with your desk, comfy spiny chair, beanbag chair, bookcase, bedside table, a closet, and a window. You found the room to be a little cramped but other than that it was nice. The room across from you was the bathroom and the room next to yours was dad's soon to be office. Across for that was mom and dad's bedroom. You found this setup rather nice.
"I like this house plan, keeps me from hearing you and dad make cooing noises and making out through the wall." You said teasingly earning a smack to the back of your head. Letting out a little laugh while rubbing the back of your head you and mom went to making your own beds and unpacking a little. As you finished up placing your galaxy blanket on your bed you heard dad yell dinner was ready. You and mom went downstairs to smell something heavenly.
"Is that lasagna I smell?" Mom said excitedly. You and her hurried to the kitchen. It was a decent sized kitchen with a table, six chairs, and sliding glass backdoor on one side of the room and a stove, counters with drawers underneath, cupboards, fridge, sink, dishwasher, and a pantry on the other side. You and mom saw on top of the stove a beautiful pan of lasagna. As both of you drooled over the lasagna dad chuckled and got plates out of a box.
"Where did you get the stuff to make it?" You asked helping find the silverware. Once you found where it was at you got out what everyone needed.
"I went to the nearby grocery store while you two were busy and got the ingredients." Dad said setting out plates while you put down silverware. Mom brought the lasagna to the table before cutting it up into pieces. Giving everyone a good sized piece mom sat next to dad across from you. You all ate in quiet only talking once finished.
"So, even though we just moved you still need to go to school. You won't start immediately since school has already started and we still need to register you." Mom said standing and putting her plate in the sink.
"You should spend your time unpacking and studying that way you can be caught up or even ahead." Dad said following mom in putting away his dishes. Groaning you ate your last bite before putting away your dishes too.
"Ok, I'm going to bed." You said stretching and yawning. Saying goodnight to mom and dad you walked upstairs and into your room. Grabbing your bathroom and shower supplies you walked into the bathroom. Luckily your parents had a bathroom and shower in their room so you got the upstairs bathroom to yourself. Putting away all your things you decided to take a shower before bed. Going back into your room you pulled out underwear and pajamas then walked back into the bathroom. Locking the door you showered and got dry then dressed. After brushing your teeth you left the bathroom and entered your room. Stepping around boxes you crawled into bed and were out like a light.

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