not on my case !

691 25 15

hey my babies 😍!
back to the story :)
anywho 😂

Ryan: he did what !!
Myaa: he rape me
Ryan: does your mom knows ?
Myaa: no
Ryan: why you didn't told her !
Myaa: my dad said he will do it again if I do
Ryan: not on my case ; come on let's go
Myaa: where we going
Ryan: to your house now !
Myaa: no we can't please
Ryan: I can't see my girlfriend get rape and now do something
Myaa: baby please
Ryan: no let's go
Ryan grabs myaa hand and walk her to all the way to her house it was pretty close . Ryan knock on the door Alex open it .
Alex: hey guys
Ryan: where mrs.y/n ?
Alex: in the living room why ?
Ryan: step aside bitch
Alex: what you call me
Ryan: don't make me say it again
Y/n: what's going on here ?
Ryan: your daughter wanna tell you something
Myaa: um...
Y/n: what is it
Alex: yeah what is it .
Myaa: dad
Alex look nervous and shi
Myaa: dad rape me !!!!

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