I love you so much baby...

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hey guys 🔐❣️

today question is : how many boyfriend or girlfriend you had?😴🖤

And can I tell y'all something?.... because I need advice but if y'all say yes it will be in the next story if y'all say no it's fine ...

Anywho here😤🔐🖤

y/n: I....I...um...

y/n thoughts: do I really wanna stay with him for the rest of my life ? Yes I do I love him look we have a child I guess this is it ....

y/n: no...

Alex: what why ....

Alex started to tear up 

y/n: hahah I got your ass I just playing .. *cough* I do ,

Pastor💓: Alex and y/n are now husband and wife you may kiss the bride.

Alex grab your waist and pull you in and kiss you and you kiss back💘💞

Everyone🖤: yayayayayay!!!

Okay y'all already know what happened you guys go eat 

You and Alex were so happy together 🖤🔐 

Alex💓: shall we dance 

y/n: yeah please

Alex grab your hand gently and pull you in you guys dance 

Alex💞: so what you think?

y/n: it's beautiful...I can't believe you did the just for me ...

Alex💘: I will do anything for my baby...

y/n: aww I love you so much 🖤

You kiss Alex on the lips and Alex kiss back 💗😴

y/n: who wants CAKE!!?

everyone started to gather all together

You slice and piece for everyone

You gave everyone a cake slice 

Alex grab a slice 

Alex💗: baby here you go 

Alex fed you like it was so adorable 💘💞

You fed him back 💗😂

Alex put his finger in the frosting and put it on your nose 

y/n: Alex !!!

You got revenge 😂🖤

Alex❣️: aww I love you so much 

y/n: I love you too 

You guys party and dance it was getting crazy 😂😂

Alex picks you up and like this 💓💓

If y'all don't know what I'm talking about 😂😴

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If y'all don't know what I'm talking about 😂😴

Alex takes your panties off and throw them and-


Everyone look at him like he was crazy 

Carlos💛: tough crowd

You guys had a great time 

y/n: carlos can you take care of myaa for me when me and Alex are off to are honey moon 

Carlos💚: of course 

You guys get on Alex motorcycle and drove to L.A and when to a fancy hotel 


Alex was in the bathroom

You went to the room and took off your dress and your hairstyle and you were wearing a black lace panties and bra 😍🤤

Alex came back 

Alex💗: oo fuck you look mighty good right now....

Ooo lala do y'all want a another freaky moment with details 🤤😋

"Be Mine"?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant