you better choose!¡

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hey guys💋💙

alex ran to your hotel room
And knock on the door you open it
Alex: hey y/n...
y/n: what do you want Alex ...
Alex: you wanna try this again...
y/n: no!
Alex: fine but I just want u to know what I love you and I sacrifice for you and my daughter and i care about you and I have still have a heart for you ,you got me where I am . we are married and we have a kid . the reason I did to because if I didn't have sex with her she will make us miserable....and I don't want that ...and I want u to trust me please let's try this again and regain the love ...

you at him and take a deep breath and hug alex
Alex: so where back ?
y/n: I don't know but I trust you again
Alex: so what's you gonna do with Brandon?
y/n: I don't know
Alex: you gotta choose you know ...
y/n: um..
Alex : Brandon or me ?
y/n: um ...

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