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hey follow my Instagram @lulb.miaaa & @miaablesiv🖤

Alex and Carlos knock on the door

Dad: hey

Carlos💖: can we come in *cough* sir

Dad: sure yes

Alex♥️: thank you

Dad: come sit down

Alex and Carlos sit down on the couch

Stepmom: oh hey boys want any refreshments?

Carlos💞: yes wate-

Alex slap Carlos hand

Alex💕: no he good

Carlos🖤: 😒

Dad: so why to you here?

Carlos💛: um...

Stepmom: were y/n? I haven't seen her ever since the prom

Dad: yeah is she with Peyton?

Alex💘: umm

Carlos💛: well about y/n..

Stepmom: omg you guys broke up??

Alex❣️: no no

Dad: so what is ?

Peyton came in rushing in with tears in her eyes

Carlos♥️: Peyton...

Dad: what wrong honey

Peyton💞: y/n die!!!!!!

Dad: what!

Stepmom: my baby 🙁

Dad:how ?

Peyton💟: she got humiliated by Hailey having sex with Carlos and..and...she got sad so she ran... And .... Alex told her to come back.....and she got hit ....😭

Your dad got sad and broke one of the flower vase

Alex❤️: calm down

Dad: calm down u got to be fucking kidding me my own daughter die 😭

Alex gave your step mom and your dad and Peyton a group hug

Carlos🖤: we are all sad and depressed right now but we can get through this she was a great friend , girlfriend and a daughter 😢❤️

Stepmom: thank you for being the best boyfriend to her....😭

Alex💛: your welcome 😟

Alex and Carlos left and went to your mom house

Carlos knock on the door and no one was there

(Guys your mom David and your two brothers went to a new state)😢

Alex:💟 oh I forgot they left

Carlos💙: oh ye😞

Alex drove to his house with Carlos

5weeks later 🕊️🖤

Alex had puffy eyes and was so depressed 💔🖤

Alex always wear black to school and don't talk to anyone unless it's Carlos

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Alex always wear black to school and don't talk to anyone unless it's Carlos

Saturday 🖤

Alex woke up and grab your shirt and smell it

Alex💜: it..it... smell like her...

Alex got up and took a shower and went downstairs and made your favorite breakfast 💔🍳🍞

Alex outfit

Alex outfit

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Alex was eating and on his phone📱

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Alex was eating and on his phone📱

Alex got a text from Jesse

Alex got a text from Jesse

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Alex went to the bathroom

Some came inside the house

Alex💕: hello?

????!: Alex?

Alex went to the living room it was ......

Hey guys sorry I'm posting late it just because I have school and crap😢♥️

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