fuckin serious?

850 24 7

Hey guys I hope y'all having a great day 😘!
Back to the story

Next day -

I woke up with my head hurting
I took a shower did my hair brush my hair and grab my phone and my backpack cause it's time for school
As I went downstairs i see my mom and dad
They eating breakfast
As I sat next to my dad
He look me and smirk
And got my pancakes form mom and I started to eat
y/n: so how are feeling myaa ?
Myaa: I'm fine
Alex: good in taking u to school
I fuckin serious
Myaa: great ...
Alex got up and same as you
Y'all went inside the car
Alex: you better not tell Mom
Myaa: I won't .
Alex: good
Myaa: did u cum in me ?
Alex: what ?
Myaa: you heard me did u or not ?
Alex: I don't know. Also I don't know where this attitude is coming from . Also mom is gonna be leaving again so it's gonna be me and you alone .
Myaa: I'm actually gonna be hanging out with Ryan and Dani
Alex: psh fine
As I got the out the car and I saw Ryan and Dani my good best friend

"Be Mine"?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ