Chapter 2

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"Ugh, why does it smell so gross!"   

"Its the city, Meri, of course it smells different than the ocean!"   

"But why does it smell so /bad/?"   

"Its not that bad, quit complaining. Besides, we are almost at the house! Be excited!"

I huffed, leaning back into my seat. I spent 6 hours in a plane only for a 3 hour sleep in a crappy hotel room. Only then did I wake up just in time for a 9 hour drive. Why is Canada so big? Why couldn't it be smaller?     Not only is the drive really long but the last minute rental car only had five seats... which left me squished between my brother and sister. I was left with the middle seat because I was the "smallest" of course. Gotta love them...

"Come to think of it, this is your first time going to school," dad said from the drivers seat. Him and mom switched places every 2 hours.

It was true that i had never been to school before. The first few days I had panic attacks from all the diffrent people so they had to take me out of the school.

It wasn't imperative that i went to school anyways. I have always been smarter than the average person my age. Before going to Canada I have taken online courses with university professors from around the world.

Though I never met any of them in real life, my favourite teacher was Mr. Kirkland. He was a young man in his early 20s who always seemed to know where I was in skill level no matter how many weeks we hadn't had any lessons. It was truly amazing.

Although now that I have lived around lots more people my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to go to school so I could be around more "children" my age. Ugh.

To be honest I did not get along with some people. I have a habit of instantly hating people so if I do like you, consider yourself lucky. It's a bit of a habit to be distrusting of people. Louis is the only person I trust with my life. We have been inseparable since we met, even if we get on each others nerves.

I looked up and noticed that we had turned off the main road and onto a small, gravel road. It was leading towards a long driveway that lead up to a cabin house. It was surrounded by extremely tall and thin trees with a large deck leading to a lake.

Absolutely beautiful. Mom said the house was going to be at the edge of the city but this is beyond my expectations.

As soon as the car stopped we were all racing towards the lake. I Shook my shoes off and pulled my socks off my feet. As soon as I touched the water my body relaxed and I felt the calm waves rush between my toes. I love this house.

Maybe this won't be so bad.


I take it back, I take it all back, this is the worst decision ever!!!!

Broken conversations and screaming drifted towards where me and Louis walked. Our parents had dropped us off at our new school  a few minutes ago with enough hugs and kisses to make our ears go red in embarrassment.

Annie has just looked at us smirking, she was going through university courses at a different school so she could drive herself later. Lucky little- she was lucky.

With so many people around I was tense and on edge, meaning Louis was also just about as ready to bolt as I was.

Our suit cases rolled behind us as we traversed the courtyard of the huge school that we would be living at until we could go home for holidays.

I held my backpack and duffel bag close to me, not trusting a single student that walked on the same sidewalk. The girls looked either like they would talk my ear off or would spread no good gossip. The boys looked like they could break me like a twig if they tried.

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