4: Enter Hercule Satan!

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Mr Satan world renowned champ!

Ah yes the champ, multitalented, handsome, intelligent, rich! what hasn't he got?

Most would say, "perhaps he lacks enough of a challenge! Just look at him! Who could defeat our savior?" Well truthfully Hercule, and the z fighters know the truth, he wasn't as much as he hyped himself up to be.

He wasn't exactly a fraud, he's a capable fighter, enough to defend himself but not against some as strong as what the z fighters take on! Yikes the thought of that sent chills down Mr Satan's spine. He would do almost anything to hold his reputation however. So now it was time he went forth to challenge the newest threat of earth, and that was the bubble gum pink blob that lye right beside you.

Behold, the world champion,Mr. Satan! He's been training in his bunker since he heard! He's here to save the world, now the champ heads off to Buu's residence, his plans laid out and clear, there was plan A, B, C, D and even plan  ∞. (lemniscate/infinity)

It's about time you rise, you awoke and stretch out letting out a loud yawn.

"Good morning!" You rang as a content smile crossed your face. You felt well rested.

"5 more minutes!" The majin groaned rolling over.

"You're so lazy! C'mon if you get up I think I can get us breakfast!"

"Breakfast?" The majin got up and rubbed his eyes.

Of course breakfast would pique his interest.

"What is breakfast?" He ask with a giggle.

Goddamnit, he doesn't know what breakfast is!

"You'll figure out soon enough buddy." You growl.

Perfect, now time to haul arse outta'here! Just need him to drop his guard.

"Okay!" Buu giggled and waddled off to go preform his morning hygiene routine.

You chuckle to yourself and walk around the rather large house. ,'wonder if he has any food in here.' You examine every inch of the room.

Then a knock came at the door.

Well rather a bunch of screams.


It was the champ himself Mr Satan that voice was nearly impossible to miss.

As you walk to the door to see what he was doing here this early.

However to your surprise doughboy made it before you.

You peeked out the door.

"Oh finally Majin Buu nice to to see ya I've been waiting to meet ya since I heard of your world wide devastation-" Mr. Satan said

"So, do you want to be candy, cookie, or pudding when buu eats you?" Majin Buu asked.

"wait! wait! wait! I-I I didn't come here to get eaten, I came to uh give you some um presents" Mr. Satan replied shakily waving his hands frantically, before then unzipping his duffle bag to retrieve the first present.

"The best chocolate money can buy!" Mr. Satan presented the Majin with a rather small box of chocolate.

"Buu like big chocolate, eat you instead" Buu said.

"But these are packed with the same chocolatey goodness! They're just smaller so you can eat a lot more!"Mr. Satan said opening the box.

"Mmm they look good" Buu said pointing to the box of chocolates.

"You want to eat too?" Buu asked Mr. Satan.

"Why you little-Grrr!" you growl, did he literally forget he's harboring a living, breathing, girl in his home? You're starving too ya know! And it doesn't seem he has any food in here that won't kill you with calories!

"No, No I'm allergic to chocolate I break out I hives all over!" Mr. Satan said to Buu.

Uh never mind , you'd rather not eat anything now hearing that, you really don't want to imagine Mr. Satan covered in hives, before a meal.

Buu began eating the chocolates. "Mmmm Buu like!"

"Mmm better than chocolate made from people!" Buu complemented the delicious flavor of the chocolate,(as delicious as a chocolate laced with cyanide can get) and continued to eat the chocolates out the box until the box was nearly empty.

Well that didn't work. Next Hercule pulled out a video game! "Look a video game!"

"Video game?" Majin Buu asked

"Yeah! ya just press all the lil buttons to move the guys, punch and kick!" Mr. Satan said as he handed off the game.

 Buu seemed to enjoy the game and he played for minutes with Mr. Satan over his shoulder watching, you almost wanted to leave your spot and sneak off, pretty much somewhere in between fed up and bored but then--


There goes the video game. It exploded, you were quite startled, then you heard Buu giggle.

He enjoyed that!?

Yes, he enjoyed it, of course with such a childish nature he wouldn't know that this was an attempt to murder him.

"Buu really like when the video game go boom!" Buu said happily giggling once more.

"Hey what gives I was scared!" you shouted from the door standing there arm crossed.

Buu merely laughed it off and you grumbled and walked off whilst he did.


You'd been walking for what felt like ages but there was no leaving the area, if you leave you don't exactly know where to go, you have no directions, its likely Buu will be out looking for you and with all he destruction this guy caused the city you once knew and loved was likely reduced to mere rumble.

The city you stroll through was extremely close to Buu's residence. Why exactly would he build a house so close to near by- Oh wait, they're all dead, how could he be a disturbance to the long deceased? You sigh, feeling a bit hopeless;But wait! The Z fighters! how could you forget about them? They'll devise a plan to defeat Buu! 


"What was that?" You ask yourself aloud.


A stray pink blast, slammed right into you without warning; Worse it'd struck you right in the gut, the right of your lower abdomen to be exact. You were a tough girl but this wasn't just any blast, this blast was of Buu's doing! It was him no doubt, however you were in the condition to be pointing fingers.

You coughed a bit of blood and clutched your aching midsection, your blood trickled onto your hands, you felt tears prick your eyes but you decided to suck it up! At least your free from Buu, the champ held all of his attention now, right? 

You look around, no Buu to be found.

But would it really be worth such if you were dying?

//To Be Continues//-ImMajinBuu

Majin Buu x (female) Reader. [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now