9: Super Buu

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(Made this one long for my fellow Super Buu ppl 🙏)

The battle between the good and evil Buu was a short one that ultimately ended in the good of Buu being consumed by evil and a new form.

Majin Buu had his eye set on finding you again, he was very different now yet he retained all the memories of his old form and wanted to find (Y/n), he knew he wanted to claim her life next, would he fight you? He was really looking forward to a fight, to challenge the new found and unrestrained strength he possessed.

Super Buu moved his fingers, his arms, he touched his face, feeling how his power had grown, he chuckled, he looked back at the barren fields, "60 down, half a billion left to go," he said as he flew up, he zoomed across the city and flew around, he'd gained the ability to sense energy and he felt a source of your energy, that familiar energy that made him feel all tingly inside, he liked your energy quite a bit but he wanted a fight so he had to wait. He landed somewhere in the city and went into a complex of apartments, everyone trembled and screamed, he didn't seem to care though, he'd found your apartment, knowing you weren't there, he went in.

Super Buu rummaged through your refrigerator and took out a jar of peanut butter, mistaking it for some sort of chocolate spread, he put the whole thing in his mouth and then quickly pulled it out, he then gagged, "Ack! Nothing like chocolate!" He exclaimed, he walked through the halls and saw photos of you, your family members and he took the framed photo of you off the wall, he admired it, he also saw a photo of Van and You back when you'd first started dating, he glared at it and furrowed his thick brow, "Stupid, Stupid man!" He said as he zapped the photo with his head tentacle, the image changed, no longer was Van in the photo, it was himself standing next to (Y/n), he loved the way that looked. The once Innocent Buu viewed (Y/n) as a friend, his best friend next to Mr. Satan but the way she made him feel was special.

Super Buu felt differently.

He didn't want to hurt (Y/n), but with his intelligence heightened he knew she was gorgeous to him, perhaps he wasn't in love but selfish. He knew no one else in the universe deserves to have her, especially not with a power level that high, so he formulated a plan.

"Hm, when Buu finds her, I will kill those around her, to enrage her, yes, yes," he chuckled, "Then catch her off guard, then I'll absorb her," he laughed hysterically falling on the ground in a fit of laughter which shook the building.

Buu got up and dusted himself off, he went to (Y/n)'s bedroom and he browsed the contents, he picked up a pen and used it to pick his teeth as he walked around, examining your closet, he liked this room best because everything in it belonged to you and reminded him of you.

Super Buu grabbed a pair of underwear and stretched them, looking at them questionably, "Ehat are these?" he asked himself, he blinked and then shrugged, throwing them aside.

Hercule and Bee found themselves following Buu so it came to them as a huge shock when Buu came here, what could he possibly want? Mr. Satan put Bee down and patted the little pup's head, "Now alright, Bee, I'm gonna kick in the door and show Majin Buu one of my classic moves, and I'll make his pink butt sorry he ever messed with the great Mr. Satan, I don't like this big old evil Majin Buu but I'm not scared, I know he ain't nothin' but a big old bully and Mr. Satan doesn't tolerate bul-" he was saying all this in a hushed tone so it came to him as such a shock when he heard footsteps, "Ah! We'd better hide!" Mr. Satan grabbed Bee again and rolled under your couch.

Buu walked out of your room holding lots of your stuff, photos, a sweater, an open soda, a gently used tube of lipstick with a bite taken out.

Buu looked around, "Satan?" He said slowly, as he approached the couch,  he looked under it and made direct eye contact with Mr. Satan.

Majin Buu x (female) Reader. [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now