8: Silver lining

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(It's been a while, I left the fandom for a year, and dealt with other 2020 atrocities but came back, you'll get your ending over the next chapters)

Eyes wide as saucers you glared at the Buu's, it felt as if you were seeing double, well, for the most part, it was clear one had a more sinister look about himself, the way he stood, the way he spoke, the way he looked at you, it was clear something wasn't right. You were as good as dead you figured, 'Buu couldn't save you, could he? Mr. Satan was as good as useless as well, would Dende or Piccolo pull through? How could you be sure he hasn't killed the entire population of earth and kept you as some sort of sick joke?' All these thoughts ran through (y/n)'s head Well all of those questions would be soon answered.

You had no clue but Buu was buying you time by stalling, claiming you needed to be home for this, the pudgier Buu, his heart was made of gold, while the evil in him that was expelled wanted nothing more than to absorb his better half and become one force of Evil and destruction, it was becoming a slippery slope. Something disastrous was bound to happen, with a being as strong as Buu you had no clue what, it was going to be hard to fight him yourself. The other Z-fighters had their own plans but it wasn't going to work, you're here now, you were in the face of the beast himself, well themselves.

The grey majin cracked his knuckles and pointed at his bright pink counterpart.
"-And now we'll fight," he said.
The larger Majin growled a little and clenched his fists, as steam poured out of his head again. Buu has had it, he's ready to fight now that you're safe here. He ensured those he cared about made it somewhere where they wouldn't be hurt by the evil within him, the evil part wasn't exactly pure evil either, he had a little pity for those that were good to him in his combined form with good Buu. He raised up off the ground using his Ki to fly, he fell right through the wall making a large hole which startled you for a moment but nonetheless the other Majin fought and were going to battle it out. There was nothing you could say or do.

Super Buu had already been formed, you weren't aware, Buu kept you, Mr. Satan and Bee put somewhere where he knew you'd all be safe.

The minute Super Buu had Spawned The others could feel it, there was a silver lining to this though, Goten and Trunks still had time, surely if Buu could wait years to be awaken, he could wait a few days for the boys to train. They wouldn't be necessary though, you had tricks up your sleeve you wanted to fight Majin Buu yourself and there was no changing that.

"(Y/n)!" Dende had cried out the moment he saw your face and Piccolo stepped back for a moment and gasped, "(Y/n), it's you...It couldn't be, what are you doing here? Don't you know that Buu's gotten stronger, if he catches you here he'll be furious!" Piccolo yelled, he was angry, rightfully so, attracting Buu here would be easy, the twisted Majin would follow you, at least that's what seemed to be possible to him, he had no clue what the truth was.

(Y/n) put her hands on her hips and looked up at Piccolo, "And what makes you say that? Wasn't Buu promised a fight? If he comes here he'll get one, I'll take him on myself, I can't bear the thought of loosing everyone on this Earth, they deserve lives, I wouldn't just let them be taken," You said.
Piccolo cocked his brow in such a way that you could tell he was confused, he knew you and he knew your intentions were good but that didn't explain why you'd only now just come to him. Piccolo had to think quickly, he knew you were good but in times like this he had to be weary, "Did Buu send you?" he asked.

(Y/n) shook her head and placed a hand over her heart, "No, I came to join you, I want to save the Earth," you stated.

Dende sighed and looked around, "Mr. Piccolo is just trying to figure out how and rather why you were so close to Buu for so long?" Dende said trying to give you a chance, after all you are all friends.

"To fight. I wanted to fight him but things got rather complicated, that blob has a mind the size of a walnut," You said, practically throwing Buu under the bus but it would be worth it, you needed to prove to them that you'd be a competent fighter, even if you didnt feel that was kind in the back of your mind it had to be done. Buu could destroy planets whole, one insult can't destroy him.

Bulma ran to you and hugged you, "Thank goodness, (Y/n)! You're safe! You're safe! Thank you for offering to fight Buu, the children shouldn't be responsible for the fate of the planet," she said holding you tight.

Bulma was nearly in tears at the thought of her boy fighting a monster like Buu after all he was only 8, Goten only 7. "Grown men leaving the fate of the earth to children, (Y/n)! They should be ashamed!" Bulma yelled making the other flinch.

(Y/n) nodded, either out of sympathy or to get her to quiet down, she was right but we hardly had time to discuss this, it was time to train, if anyone dreamed of kicking Majin Buu's ass they'd better be stronger than an entire army. An entire army of Gokus that is.

Piccolo took your hand and sighed, "We don't have much time, come, we have to go into the hyperbolic time chamber, I reckon you haven't trained, you need to train as much as you can if you want to fight Majin Buu, I know he's coming, he'd come after you, he seems to have a good memory," Piccolo said as he ushered you towards the door but he paused himself and gulped, "(Y/n), I hope you're serious about this, the fate of the universe lies on your shoulders now," he said. (Y/n) looked up and Piccolo then bowed her head, "I know, I just know if anyone has to fight Buu, it has to be me now," the warrior said taking a deep breath because this was a big risk, Buu was so different, but it was clear from his energy that the evil had consumed him, he'd be a tougher match than once thought, it would take more than just training in the hyperbolic time chamber to beat a monster like Buu but whatever you could do was worth a shot.

Piccolo escorted (Y/n) into the hyperbolic time chamber for you to undergo as much training as possible before Buu makes it here, he's already on his way with a new form too.

Majin Buu x (female) Reader. [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now