Chapter 12

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A/N: A friend of mine recently created a new Wattpad account due to cyberbullying she was facing on her old one. Go show her some love at Its_Me_Houki

You are laying in an oddly large but comfortable bed,

You're lost in your own thoughts when you hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" You say but are surprised when Akeno and Koneko walk in... 

"Wheres Rias?" You ask

"Busy." Koneko and Akeno say simultaneously 

"I don't know where 'Busy' is. Is that a town or a city?" You say sarcastically 

Koneko and Akeno ignore your comment and climb into your bed. Luckily the bed is so big that all three of you can fit on it without making any contact. 

"Um... did I  miss the memo? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" You say freaking out.

"Calm down!" Koneko says, "We all have to share a room," 

"oh... okay..." you say and then try to lay down but your head lands on something squishy

Akeno giggles, "I didn't know you felt that way about me!" She says and then giggles even more

You quickly realize your head was laying on Akenos breasts. You blush and then facepalm. 

"I hate plot convenience," You say, contradicting your previous statement in Chapter 11 when you said you loved it because -____----__*TECHNICAL  DIFFICULTIES*

Akeno moves to the right and Koneko lays in the middle while you move over to left. "Hope Rias comes back soon," You say 

Almost as if in defiance, Koneko turns over and nestles her head into your chest. You lay there awake until early morning. 

When you finally decide to get up, Rias is laying on top of you with minimal clothing and says
"Good morning my love," noticing you're awake

"Good morning" You mutter and then almost as if on queue Rias gives you a quick peck on the lips and gets up. You follow her and put some new clothes on; getting ready for the day. 

"When are we going to invite Alex and his household over?" You ask when you guys are finished. Before Rias responds you take a casual glance over to the bed still holding the bodies of Akeno and Koneko who are sleeping gleefully. 

"Already did last night.... they're coming over tonight," Rias begins, "in the meantime, we should do some training" She finishes 

After she finishes speaking she leaves the room heading towards the massive practice field they have in their backyard and I follow suit

"Help me ... senpai!" Koneko says and at the same time blushing and looking down

It's now several hours later and everyone is awake and training. Koneko is standing in front of you acting shy. Unusual as she usually is expressionless.

"Ok... but it's not really a fair figh-" you begin but get cut off by Koneko punching you hard in the chest

Your back slams down against the hard ground several meters away.  Asia, Issei, Rias, and Akeno both look in surprise at Koneko. Kiba continues training but no one really cares about him (rip lol) ((ecks dee = xD))

You get up and begin by engulfing your body in flames. "Koneko, I don't think this is the best way to train," you say smirking

You realize that Koneko would have to hit you really fast if she wanted to be unaffected by your flames 

"Sure, it is" Koneko yells back, simultaneously running as fast as light lining you up for a hit 

"You're crazy!....... OOF!" You yell surprised that she even attempted an attack and groaned because she hit you

You fall to the ground barely conscious. 'Man, I underestimated her...' You think as you feel a warmth around your hips and chest. As your vision regains you see Koneko currently straddling your lap pinning you down to the ground. 

"Um... I give up." You say expecting Koneko to get off. When Koneko doesn't get off you hear Rias yell in the distance: "GET OFF OF HIM KONEKO!!! YOU DIRTY LITTLE-" and that's all that you allowed your innocent little ears to hear... 

When Koneko did eventually get off Asia healed you and then you rested on the sidelines. Your wounds were healed but you were still exhausted and you couldn't fight off this weird feeling in your stomach. You even think you may have learned the Power of Divination (the ability to foretell the future) but you ignore it because it wouldn't make any sense. It may just be a symptom of the exhaustion...

"Eat up..." Rias says bringing a spoon full of soup near your mouth. Rias is currently spoonfeeding you in front of her parents and the rest of her household. Koneko, but Akeno especially give looks of jealousy to Rias. You open your mouth and allow her to feed you, even though you are perfectly fine and can eat by yourself. 

"I can eat by myself... I don't need any help" You say in protest, but Rias continues to feed you

"Shush you. You were beaten up pretty bad today," Rias says exaggerating your little escapade with Koneko 

The rest of the meal goes by in a flash probably because you could easily care less about Alex and his household arriving.  Which is exactly what happens: 

Rias grabs the door and two beautiful ladies, one brown haired and the other pink are waiting 

"Does Alex care to show his face?" You say behind Rias holding the door

A few moments later Alex works his way through his harem of girls and shakes your hand

"Tis' a pleasure," he says, almost mockingly 

WORD COUNT: 921 (sorry it's short)

Forgotten Love (HighSchool DxD Fan-Fic)  (Rias x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now