Chapter 7

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A/N: HOLY S**T IM SOOOO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG! I feel like I'm slowly drifting away from Wattpad, mostly because of school but also because my life is actually fairly busy! Please enjoy this, cause I have no idea when the next part will be out...


That night you can't seem to fall asleep, even with Rias sleeping right beside you. You can't help but feel like something terrible is going to happen...

Eventually, you doze off and get some rest

When you wake up your face is being smothered... by Rias's breasts...

"Ria....Ri... RIAS!" You say with very little air left over, 

She groans in response and rolls off of you

"Thanks... Rias" You say panting heavily 

You look over at her, her hair is all messy and droops over her beautiful face, She must notice you staring at her, cause she opens her beautiful crystal blue eyes

She smirks and blushes at your stare

"What are you staring at?" She says teasingly 

"You... and your beautiful face..." You say caressing her cheek

"Oh... stop it..." She says 

"Rias!" Akeno says walking into the room, "You need to wake up now!" Akeno finishes

"AKENO!" Rias yells at Akeno, who seems to purposely have butted into the situation

"Whats wrong Rias??" Akeno says slyly

"AKENO LEAVE! NOW!" Rias yells, Akeno giggles as she leaves

If you weren't awake before... you are now

Small Time Skip

The rest of your time at the training camp was more or less a waste of your time. Issei still hasn't advanced with his sacred gear that much, so he is still easy to beat, and Rias "didn't want to hurt you," and wouldn't train with you...

You literally learned nothing...

You're currently sitting in the club room waiting for the rating game to begin

"Ughhhh... IM SO BORED!" Issei exclaims

"Patience Issei," Rias prompts Issei to be quiet

Koneko is lying in your lap, which Rias doesn't seem to like, but she hasn't said anything so you let her

You decide to fall asleep yourself for the lack of something better to do, but you it only lasts for a few minutes and Koneko wakes you up

"Y-Y/N?" Koneko yawns

"W-Whats up?" You ask, staring into Koneko's eyes

She blushes slightly at your gaze

"W-We need to leave now..." Koneko says getting off of you

"Oh... Ok..." you say following her to all the other club members

"Y/N! Koneko! Hurry up!" You hear Rias yell as you guys enter the room

"We need to hurry! Come on everyone get behind me," Rias says underneath a transportation circle 

She begins to use her magic to transport all of you to the "Game Field" an alternate dimension in which all rating games take place. It also looks exactly as the human dimension just without the humans...

"Okay, Everyone! Follow out with the plan we discussed!" Rias yells at everyone

Asia stays close to Rias, in order to heal her, you guess 

Forgotten Love (HighSchool DxD Fan-Fic)  (Rias x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now