⌊ ten ⌉

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hyunjin and seungmin sat side by side at the school garden, hands entertwined while watching their friends do their own businesses

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hyunjin and seungmin sat side by side at the school garden, hands entertwined while watching their friends do their own businesses. businesses as in doing silly things.

felix was teaching his fortnite dances to his boyfriend, changbin who looks unimpressed but we're still doing the dances anyways, he's so whipped for felix, that's why.

jeongin has been trying to catch butterflies for thirty minutes straight now, wanting them to be his pet while chan helps him like the ever supportive boyfriend he is. what jeongin wants, jeongin gets was his motto.

while minho and jisung? well, they're under a tree slightly farther from where most of their friends are, doing some unholy things that jeongin shouldn't see so chan told them to stay a little farther if they really can't keep their hands and lips away from each other.

"gosh. minho and jisung are on it again" seungmin said in disgust as he accidentally saw the minsung couple practically eating each other's faces.

hyunjin chuckled and leaned in to whisper something on the younger's ear. "we could also do that if you want" he said seductively.

seungmin swear that he felt shivers down his spine as he turned red like a tomato. he glared at hyunjin even though his face is still red.

"for day6's sake jinnie. stop that, gosh" seungmin told hyunjin who only chuckled and pinched the younger's nose.

"you don't really want to do it?"

"hwang hyunjin!" seungmin scolded, widening his eyes as if threatening the older who only found it cute.

"why?" hyunjin asked, pretending to be oblivious. seungmin rolled his eyes and just watched jeongin who was now celebrating because he finally caught a butterfly.

"yay! channie, look! isn't it pretty?!" they heard the youngest squealed which earned a pat on his head from chan. "it's pretty, jeonginnie"

"innie is such a cute baby" seungmin cooed but was cut off when hyunjin's head find its way on the shorter's shoulder. "but my baby seungmin is cuter" hyunjin giggled.

seungmin clicked his tongue. "gosh, jinnie. you and your cheesiness, it's getting out of hand" he sassed out.

"says the one who loves it" hyunjin teased and his arms find their way around seungmin's waist as he hugged him closer, face buried on the crook of the latter's neck.

seungmin let out a giggle when hyunjin's breath on the skin of his neck tickles him, he's pretty sensitive in that area.

"hyunjin. it tickles for goodness sake" seungmin groaned but hyunjin pay no mind and just continued his business which is now leaving soft kisses on seungmin's neck.

seungmin's eyes widened when he realized what hyunjin is doing. no, he don't hate it, hyunjin has been doing it ever since they become official. it's just that, they're in public.

it will be totally fine if they're inside their dorm, but no, they're in the school garden with their friends, and with jeongin who's totally oblivious of these kind of things. well, maybe he's no longer obviously, but still.

"look at those two, wait till chan catch them" changbin told felix as he stopped dancing when he saw what hyunjin and seungmin were up to.

"woah. i didn't know that hyunjin is an exhibitionist" felix said with a chuckle, earning a smack from his boyfriend.

"felix, babe you and your language" changbin shook his head before looking at minho and jisung's direction. "we should really go collect minsung before they really end up fucking in a school garden" he told as both him and felix shivered at the thought of a minsung fucking in a school garden but being the crackhead couple they are, they also laughed at the thought.

meanwhile, back to hyunjin and seungmin's moment. the older is still kissing the sensitive part of seungmin's neck. seungmin was literally forcing himself not to let any sort of sound come out of his mouth.

"h-hyunjin...stop" seungmin whimpered when hyunjin bit on one spot on his neck but the latter still didn't budge.

seungmin closed his eyes tightly at the feeling that his boyfriend is giving him but opened his eyes abruptly when he heard a thud on hyunjin who was now stopped in kissing his neck.

the younger glanced at his boyfriend who was now clutching his head which was hit by a ball.

wait- a ball? seungmin's gaze landed on chan who was glaring at them while covering jeongin's eyes. where did he even got that ball? changbin and felix could only laugh at the situation that they have already predicted.

"for pete's sake! we have a baby here" chan nagged, pointing jeongin. "if you two can't keep your hormones in then you should've followed minho and jisung in there" he then pointed the spot where the minsung couple is.

seungmin gulped and just apologized. chan could really be scary when it comes to jeongin. no one can blame him, jeongin needs protection from all the unholy things in this world. jeongin is so precious, must protect, even though jeongin was always complaining that he's already an adult, for his older friends, he's still a baby, of course.

once chan had calmed down and had went back to catching butterflies with the youngest, seungmin went to check on his boyfriend who was now lying on the bermuda grass, still clutching his head that the ball had hit earlier.

seungmin's expression softened and proceeded to caress hyunjin's head. "does it hurt?" he asked softly. "no shit. i thought my head will come off of my shoulder" hyunjin groaned.

seungmin clicked his tongue. "you know how chan could turn like that when it's about jeongin" he chuckled.

hyunjin sat up and pouted. "i know, but it really hurts, no kidding" he whined, clinging to seungmin's legs like a child.

seungmin chuckled softly and kneeled to reached hyunjin's head that was hit earlier and gave it a soft kiss before he sat back again and gave hyunjin a kiss on the lips this time.

"does it still hurt?" the younger asked softly. hyunjin giggled and hugged the younger tightly. "not anymore. thanks, baby"

"minnie?" hyunjin called softly, earning a soft hum from the latter.

"i love you" hyunjin whispered. seungmin giggled and whispered back. "i love you too, jinnie"

edited. 」

- t h e e n d -

by: seungjined 2019

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and reaching the last
chapter. see you on the
next seungjin story.

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