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dude. stop. ya know. with all your 'lies'

ya say im a "hater" Yes i fkin am.

but please. just stop. youre not right. i do not. i did not care about youre world as long as you were keeping to yourself. as long as no one was hurt. but ppl leave this place bc its too toxic. so many friends of mine have left. but ig it doesnt matter to you right bc 
*note the sarcasm*
"Rolumisa was just a liar, Luciel just imagined things, Rei was just too overdramatic, Aisha also just said shit. It doesnt matter right ? bc you three siblings have each other and oh no youll curse me and ruin my mindscape. "

Bitch, good for you,  i have no mindscape 😂

and to everyone reading this. Its not just them. If you think youre all high and mighty and start building lies it you too. Like Kira, good at first but she goes too far, out of the genuine stuff.

Bitch please ive seen your shit for almost an year. ive been here since the community turned toxic and fell silent. dont you teach me whos at fault here bc ive known you long enough. ESPECIALLY YOU RIVER AND NEKOMYTHIE :)

remember Amethyst, she was fkin blamed and thrown out. And Blood_Of_space. She was such a good person.

well whatever the past is the past. Anyways. what i wanted to say it

stahp. get some help.

just stob it. everyone here is sick of these lies. if you stahp now we will give you a chance to start over and no one will hate on you again. ill make sure of it. =)

i didnt want to take authority of this shit. tbh ive been literally waiting for this change for months now. and when Rolumisa came back, i thought something would change. But yall are stuck up being "deities".

*in Jin's voice* stob it.

i may have made memes here but this topic, im not joking around.

dude i never rlly knew you so i would say much but im definatly gonna fite you it another one of my frens leave.

also since i was going to tag@rivermountainvalley  i just saw she blocked me. hahhahahahhah im laughing so hard rn. like u bein srs 😂 what are you ? a child? i call you a faker and instead of confronting me you can me a "hater" and fkin block me.

Will you leave or sth ?  i rlly wanna fite u but eh that wont solve anything bc youll be "cursing and taking away my powers and ill suffer the fate of blood_of_space" hahahah

bts if anyone EVER finds her please inform me. please dude.

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