.: Chapter 20 :.

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Copyright and Disclaimer:

I do not own Shokugeki no Soma, or any of its characters, sadly. It all belongs to, Yūto Tsukuda and Yoshitomo Yonetani. Only the character Yukihira Saika belongs to me.


I am currently sitting on my bed with my arms and legs crossed. I was glaring at the wall as if it was the reason for my frustration. Why did Soma just had to do scissors at a time like that? All I could see in my head now was Soma's smug face when I put out paper and he put out scissors. So in the end, Soma won and now he gets to do the Shokugeki. They bargained that if he wins, Mito has to join the Bowl RS and if he wins he has to get expelled. The theme decided was meat bowls.

After Mito left the four of us stayed in the club room and started to research ideas from the RS's recipe books. We made many different types of bowl's with Konishi-senpai judging whether or not it is good enough. So far, none of them succeed. The entire time I was salty toward Soma.

There was suddenly a knock at my door. I stood up, walked to the door and opened it. There before me was Soma. He had a sheepish grin on and he was scratching the back of his neck.

"Hehe, sorry 'bout before. Please stop being mad."

"Humph! I'll just leave you to do the Shokugeki yourself. Tomorrow I'm gonna look at the other research societies. This doesn't mean I have fully forgiven you yet." I then puffed out my cheeks and looked away.

"Awwwww, look at you!" Soma says while pinching my cheek. I shout out and complain in protest of this abuse.

"Soma is right though, you do look very cute." Soma and I both stopped and looked up above my bed. We both stared at Isshiki-senpai's head popping out of the ceiling. There was complete silence for a few seconds before it hit me.

"Isshiki-senpai, why are you here?"

"I heard one of my poor kouhais was sad so I came to visit."

"O-Oh, thanks Isshiki-senpai." I replied.

The next day after classes, I went to the board that Tadokoro had shown Soma and I yesterday. I scanned the board for any thing that looked worth checking out. I took photos of the ones I was interested to go to and went off looking for them.

The first one I visited is the one that Tadokoro said she was in, the Local Cuisine RS. All their ingredients were freshly imported from local farms and such. Everyone there was so friendly and helpful just like Tadokoro. I went to the Italian cuisine RS, French cuisine RS, Chanko nabe RS and even the cutting edge RS. Though it did require some time for them to warm up to me since my image as a demon is still around. The Chinese cuisine RS was very fancy. I felt poor just standing in front of the place. But the Senpai that was the president was very open and claimed that I was 'too cute to be scary'. I think his was Kuga-senpai.

My last stop was a place that specialises in herbs and spices, Shiomi Seminar. The outside looked a bit old and run down. I open the door and step in. There were papers, files and pens laying around everywhere.

"Hello?" I called out to the seemingly empty place. There was a few seconds of silence before someone burst through the side door and fell directly on their face. The large pile of papers they were holding sprawled all over the floor. I immediately rush to their side.

"Uhhhhhh, excuse me. Are you alright?"

The person, who I now see is a girl, looks up at me and their eyes widen. "We have a guest?!" She tries to quickly gather her papers but ends up failing due to dropping some as she picks up the others. I help her pick up the remaining and give them to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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