"No swearing in my office."

He glares at her and she just laughs. "See you on Thursday, Mr Foster."

"Why can't I have no work for a week instead of two days? There is no point in that!"

"Because you'd have too much fun," she replies. "Now I feel as though I am speaking to a teenager."

"Oh, shut up."

"Here is a thought," she ignores his comment, "get some rest, go to the hospital, get yourself a hair cut and talk to Libby."

"Hey! My hair is perfectly fine."

She raises an eyebrow. He frowns, "what, it is!"

"Says who?"

"The women of America. No seriously, do you realise how many women come up to me everyday, it's sickening really."

"Probably to measure the length of your hair in centimetres."

He ignores her and makes a face, "why do I have to talk to Libby anyway?"

She gives him a look he is positive that his daughter has given him before. It is normally the 'Dad, you just don't get it' expression. "We both know why you and Libby need to talk."

He smirks. "... did you just use air quotations?"

"Get out of my office."

"I have started a trend!" He exclaims, leaving the room.

Sarah sighs again, "how you ever did put up with him, Diana, I'll never know."




"Oh My God, Dad, what even is this catastrophic sound?"

Robert glances at his daughter in the rear view mirror, eyebrow slowly raising. "Why are you even using that word, your ten."

"What does catastopic mean?" Little Dave asks with a flabbergasted look on his face.

"Catastrophic, buddy. Don't worry, you don't have to know that yet-"

"It means; extremely harmful; bringing physical pain or financial ruin." Dawn answers, almost as though she should know that at ten years of age.

Dave frowns, "what does piscal mean?" Robert sends him a sympathetic look. Poor kid.

"Stop using big words," Dylan groans behind Robert. His father smiles. At least one of them got his genes.

"They are not big words. You are fourteen. Not my fault you are just stupid."

"And your ugly."

Dawn gasps, "no I am not! Daddy, Dylan just-"

"Dylan. Dude, come on, you never say that to a girl; even if they are." Dawn kicks the back of his chair. Robert grunts, his ribs groaning at the sudden movement. "No, Dawn, you are not ugly. You are a princess, my princess, okay?"

She sticks her tongue out at her big brother. Dylan pushes her face away. "Get away from me you mutant."


"Not a mutant either, Princess."

"Who is that on the radio? They are burning my ears."

"And you are burning my ears," Dylan mumbles, earning a slap. "Hey. Abuse! This is bullyism."

Robert pauses, coming to a stop sign and makes a face. Bullyism? He forgets it and turns around to face Dawn. "That sound is Linken Park; one of my favourite bands. Not any One Direction or Taylor Swift or Olly Murs. This is my music."

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