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The Dreamies were waiting in their training room. Mark was absent-mindedly polishing his baton, Haechan was using the treadmill at walking speed, Jeno and Jaemin were sparing, Renjun was sparring with a mannequin using his bo-staff, and Chenle and Jisung were playing around.

"I guess the Christmas spirits aren't on our sides this year," Haechan huffed.

Sighing sadly, Renjun said, "To be honest, they were right. We are too young to go on expeditions."

Jaemin raised an eyebrow, "How do you explain, Lucas-hyung then?"

Jeno agreed, "Yeah, Lucas-hyung is the same age as Mar- oomph!"

Giggling, Chenle jumped on Jeno's back, "Because hyung, Lucas-ge grew up too fast. I mean, he's taller than most of the hyungs and he sorta trained at a young age. He also reached the quota for Unit U last year. Even though it was only because of the .7 in his final average."

"But what about Mark-hyung?" Jisung asked, "Didn't he already reach the quota for U as well as 127? Even Haechan-hyung is a candidate for 127!"

Renjun shrugged, "It must be because Mark-hyung is the next Jack Frost. Yah know, Old Man Winter Jr. has got a lot of training to go through."

"Well," Haechan grunted as he folded his arms behind his head, "we've been through this every year and not to be a goody-two-shoes but rules are rules. Besides, even if I was eligible for 127, I don't have it in my heart to leave the rest of you. ~yet, anyways~. The Big Boss implemented the Unit Exams for a reason."

Jaemin sighed sadly, "Two years in the Dream Unit."

Jeno shook his head and said, "Well, what can we do? We're still young and the rest of us haven't exactly reached the quota we needed to join Unit U or Unit 127. Heaven knows that even if we did score a higher score in the exams, even the three of us combined can't reach the EXO class! And get this, I even heard that the higher-ups were forming another unit to be sent to China!"

As the other 5 members of Dream continued their discussion, Haechan approached their leader who was lost in thought.

"Don't worry about it too much, hyung. There's always next year."

Mark sighed, "I just don't know what to do anymore, Hyuck. I tried everything but--"

"C'mon, hyung. You know that there's nothing else that we could do than wait."

Mark sighed and smiled a small, sad smile, "I guess you're right, Hyuck."

Haechan smirked, "What are you talking about? I'm always right."


Xiumin blinked and sighed. He leaned closer to Suho and whispered something that made the leader's expression turn grim.

"Right... Alpha team, any... sightings?"

Sehun straigthened in his seat as his eyes became downcast, "None, sir. Though there were... rumors of a shadow lurking around Europe. But I had some of my men check around the area just in case."

Suho cleared his throat and asked, "Beta Team?"

Taeyong clenched his jaw and stated, "There were nothing but rumors, sir. But I have half of my members investigating on it. They should be done any moment now, sir."

"I presume that Kris has everything handled back in China," Suho sighed. Lu Yen silently nodded yes.

Suho nodded and relaxed on his chair. Looking up and seeing each member of his court tense and silent, he stated, "The prophecy may not happen now, but for all we know the... enemies might be gathering their strength as we speak. For now, I want all hands on deck. Any suspicious activity around the world must be reported to either Kris or me. Alpha Team, I want you patrol around the world during the day while Beta Team during the night. Just until the New Years are over. Lu Yen, I expect the others here for the next conference. Meeting adjourned. I'll be in my office if you need me."

As each of them stood up to leave, Lu Yen hesitantly approached Suho and quietly asked, "Junmyeon... any news on... my brother?"

Junmyeon sadly sighed and offered her a small smile, "My apologies, Lu Yen. But even the All Father has no idea where Luhan is."


Areum sighed as she gazed out of her window and while petting her pet cat.

"Who is that man, Chat?" She asked, "I haven't met him somewhere but how did he know my name? And why is he so familiar like-"

"Why are you up so late, tiānshĭ (angel)?" Someone asked behind her.

Letting go of Chat, she faced her uncle who was leaning on the doorframe of her bedroom.

"Samchon (Uncle)!" she squeaked as she hurriedly climbed down from her window seat (dunno what it's called so I hope you get my point hahahha) and ran towards her uncle to give him a hug.

The man chuckled and lifted her up in his arms. The little girl giggled as she put her arms around her uncle's neck. He then made his way to her bed to tuck her in.

Fixing her blanket around her, Areum told her uncle all about the strange, pale man she met earlier.

"Samchon, why do you think he knows my name?" she asked.

Her uncle smirked and let out a quiet chuckle, "Well, it seems to me that Jack Frost found you."

The 5 year-old furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "Jack Frost is real?"

The man grinned and said, "As real as yours truly. Now sleep, tiānshĭ. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Goodnight, Reummie-ah."

The little girl yawned as her uncle kissed her forehead goodnight, "Nightnight, Luhan samchon."

Luhan smiled at the sleeping girl before closing her bedroom door. Sighing, he made his way downstairs.

"I see you found her, baozi," he whispered to himself then sadly smiled, "I'll see you again in a few years, dear friend."

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