Chapter 1

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Darius Rhys POV:

I hate many things. 

I am not lacking in anything. So don't think my hatred is due to that. I have money... Well my parents have money. I live in a big ass house. I'm good looking if I do say so myself. I have skin as pale as Casper the ghost but aside from that I do love how I look. I have big blue eyes, pretty pink full lips, a smooth cute face with no acne (it was a mission I was ready to embark on), eyebrows always on point, fluffy short blonde hair with natural highlights (always cut to perfection). I literally look like a blonde porcelain doll and in my family appearances are everything. Some call me conceited and I call them jealous... But I digress.

I don't believe there is a thing that matches up to my hatred of the cold. It just nibbles at your very core and even when you think the day will be fine at the start the cold weather dampens it all. Honestly, my hatred is a funny thing. No matter how much I hate the cold I'll still go to the park at 6am every morning (yes even on weekends) and sit on the same bench just because I love following my routines more than I hate sitting in the cold. There's also the fact that I have never found anything worth breaking my routine for. If its working why change it?

Plus come to think of it if it is either my family or the cold ass bench. I'll take the bench with a side of bench and coldness please. It's still warmer than any family members I have in my house even if its -10 degrees outside.

Come winter, summer, rain or snow I go to the park and sit. Just to think. When you do something every single day you kind of develop a routine for the other people around you. For instance I know that once Berny (this weird pothead that lives next door to me) sees me out on the bench he comes outside for his morning spliff. I've always wondered how the hell he stays so rich when he buys so much weed but whatever. Oh and I can't forget my other neighbour 'lovely Linda' who waits for me to sit on the bench and then starts to run around the park for a few laps always smiling at me as she passes by. I mean. It's fake as fuck since no one is really nice around this area but the smile helps on my worse mornings.

You get what I mean though? Like there's just some things that happen as a result of your own routine that affects others. I like to call mine the 'Darius effect'. Its not being self centred or anything... Literally one morning I was sick as hell and I peered out of my window. No Linda running in the park. I suppose Berny decided to have that spliff in doors that day. The point is if I don't go to the park at 6am, nobody starts their day right.

So as I was saying. You notice things. What I was not expecting this morning was a boy to be sitting on the bench in front of me. I assume he must be new to this part of town because it's kind of an unspoken rule that this is my time in the park and no one sits on that bench.

I can't say that I want to say hi but it's going to be so awkward sitting here while this dude sits directly across from me just staring at the pavement. God I hate my life.

"Um dude. Hi... I'm Dar- Darren..." 'Cause you know he could be a psycho or something, I obviously won't give out my real name... Wait the bastard is ignoring me? In my park?

He doesn't even realise how much he is disrupting my normal thoughts by just sitting there.

I rolled my eyes at his form still staring at the floor. I obviously have to speak up about this behaviour... I will stress this is my usual park. What the hell? He is ruining the Darius effect. I can't even see Berny smoking. This guy probably scared him from doing it. I had enough after 2 minutes and said "This is awkward and you're rude."

The funny thing is I never thought words could really change everything. I always thought people were dramatic as fuck when they said that. I mean that is until he sat up, looked me dead in the eyes and said "My name is Zach and I failed to respond because you're already a liar."

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