Chapter 18

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Vein propelled into the air, with Blizzard close behind him. Andesite struggled a bit and started to slant while flying. StoneWings aren't agile flyers, which is why Andesite continued to veer off course. Blizzard couldn't go to push her back because of Andesite's magma, so he kept going straight. But Vein had to go in arches so he could right Andesite's flying.

None too soon, the three dragonets started to see the Abandoned Land. Vein had always wondered why this was the Abandoned Land/Valley, but now he suspected the unknown things there. Or at least, things they might know. Vein would've flown right over it through the night, but Andesite was tired. Vein did not want to stay here overnight, but Andesite was groaning, so they had to stop close to the Sun Kingdom. Vein wasn't all too thrilled about that, but they didn't have a choice.

Grumbling, Vein closed his wings slightly and glided down. He set himself down and curled up in the rock. Andesite and Blizzard landed behind him, Andesite curled quite close to Blizzard. Vein shivered. He didn't care were Andesite slept, but he worried that she might splat lava on Blizzard. Andesite slept immediately, and Blizzard slowly crept up to Vein.

"So, what's next?" Vein asked.

Blizzard looked at him dubiously. "Stop being dumb. It's obvious," he explained, outstretching his arms to the dark dunes. "We need to get a SunWing."

"Any?" Vein asked.

"Well, it has to be different from the tribe."

"Amazing. So what are you going to do? Summon a sand cane to drag another unhappy dragon?"

"No," Blizzard said bluntly. "We'll need to find it ourselves for it to work."

"But there's lots of SunWings," Vein said. "Can't we just pick one?"

"No," Blizzard said again. "It has to be one loyal to Queen Eventide so that they don't put up such a complaint. It's better, and it'll work more efficiently."

"Okay, then. What about the CoralFin?"

"Well, it has to be a really smart one," Blizzard said. "Think about it," he continued after Vein asked. "Strength, Magic, Speed, Loyalty, and Cleverness can all make a perfect group, don't you think?"

"Yeah . . ." Vein said. "But won't getting out of the water weaken them?"

"Don't worry, Vein. I'll cast a spell so that he or she won't be weakened over the water."

"Nice. But what about you?"

Blizzard made a sour face. "Well, I'll need to do the main part, because I'm a TimeWing."

"Big surprise," Vein muttered. Blizzard kicked his leg. 

"I mean it. I need to cast the spell to disable her while you guys distract her. Then she can be defeated . . . or we'll let her live."

Vein nudged Blizzard. "I suppose. I get the fact that you don't want to kill her, but maybe I could?"

Blizzard shrugged. Vein had thought that Blizzard would be horrified, but he shrugged. "Maybe you could bring it to your Queen. You might be allowed back in if you do her a favor."

"Yeah . . ." Vein said. 

"Well, good-night then, Vein," Blizzard said.

"See ya," Vein said.

Vein rested his head and closed his eyes before a thought rippled through his brain.

I'm not done . . .

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