Sanem wasn't going to waste her time in the office. There was work to be done and instead of idle chatter, she set to reviewing the designs for Remide with Deren. They'd clearly been suffering in her absence, none of the others seemed to understand the difference between a full sized chicken and a bantam. They were in need of their ornithologist.

"There is a very big difference, Ceycey." Sanem explained. "Remide would have your head off for saying that. Bantam eggs are far more valuable because -"

"Okay! Okay Sanem, I get your point. We'll draw them smaller." He surrendered.

Naturally, the freight train chose a less than ideal time to arrive.

The waves came more gently than they had the first time. Barely strong enough to register her notice at the start, then developing in intensity until she could no longer ignore them. Okay, just breath Sanem. It's probably Braxton Hicks again. You've been standing up for too long, that's all. They'll go away in a minute.

They didn't.

She was with Deren in her office when the waves progressed slowly into agony. It was the first time Sanem had been unable to mask the discomfort on her face. She turned white, bracing her hands against the table.

Deren stared at her, worry obvious on her face. "Sanem?"

"I'm fine." Sanem winced, closing her eyes and trying to recall the breathing exercises she'd been taught.

"You sure? You don't look it."

"No, I'm fine. I'm just-" She took another deep breath. "I'm just having contractions."

Deren gaped at her in shock. "Sanem! How long have they been happening?"

"For about two hours." She answered, nonchalant.

"Why didn't you say anything? Deren squeaked, bolting out of her chair.

"It wouldn't have made a difference anyway. They told us not to come to the hospital until they were five minutes apart." It had been twelve minutes since her last one and the fact she could still form logical sentences while it was happening must have been a good sign. Right? "Can will be back in an hour. It'll be fine. There's no need to make a scene about it."

"Sanem, you're going into labour. I think this situation allows for a bit of a scene."

Can nearly fell out of his chair when Deren's name appeared on his phone screen half an hour later. He shot up from the table, excusing himself to the baffled CEO as Emre and Leyla shot him a concerned glance.

He pushed his was through the restaurant door, urgently tapping the answer button. "What happening?"

"Can," Deren sounded panicked, her voice was shaking. "You need to meet us at the hospital. The baby's coming."

"Really? Now? Right now? Are you sure it's not just a false alarm?" Naysül had warned it was likely to happen again, but it wasn't Deren he was trying to convince.

In reply, Deren simply turned the phone onto loudspeaker - allowing him to hear Sanem's muffled wailing in the background. Can winced.

Deren continued speaking in a panicked rush. Something about Sanem's water breaking; six minutes apart and - something else? It took him a minute to realise she must have been shouting at Arslan.

"Ceycey! Get the dog." He heard Deren yell in the background. "I'm going to drive her to the hospital. Meet us there."

"Tamam." He was already on his way to the car.

--- --- ---

Can found them still stuck in the hospital car park. Sanem had attempted to exit the passenger side but stalled when another contraction hit, and before Deren could have the sense to fetch a wheelchair, Can rushed over to them.

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