there were standing Alice , Jasper and BELLA!. wide eyed in shock state. I waved at them and that happened my trousers and fallen down. in front of them in front of Bella. she looked at me and after a brief pause she burst into laughter and everyone burst into laughter. I ran to my room and showered and changed into fresh pair of white shirt and black jeans. I was embarrassed. how can I face her?. I went downstairs everyone was doing samething trying to control their laughter. I frowned. I saw Bella she was blushing.

" Alice and Bella....came to my..... house and we.....came to your house to......pick you up" jasper said while laughing.

" its not funny jazz remember when you going to propose Alice you left your pant at home and was walking in mall only in shirt I came to mall to give you your pant and everyone thinking you are a freak." I said him. he flushed. on a very rear occasion you see jasper blushing.

Alice and Bella burst into laughter. I smiled.

" I can walk around nake to make Bella smile"I said aloud oh no!! everyone burst into laughing and Bella blushed crimson red.

"hey Bella are imaging him!" the idiot Emmiet said. Bella even blushed deeper red. mom brought tray full of burger and sauce.

"er...Mrs Cullen its nice to meet you I have to go for work" she said flushed clearly excusing herself from the embarrassing situation.

" call me Esme dear and feel home you are welcome here anytime." she hugged Bella and took a glance at me smiling. I smiled back .

" don't forget your new friend Bella !" Rosalie hugged Bella. I was only person who was shocked. roselie doesn't interact with people easily. maybe they became friends when I was fixing my trousers.

"Bella come back soon someone her keeps pulling his head off when you are not here with them" he said and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"lil sis come back soon!" Emmiet hugged her a bone crushing hug. it is so easy for Emmiet to accept people I am so happy that my family accepted Bella before our relationship is even started.

" brother-bear can't breathe" Bella said and Emmiet let go of her. I smiled.

"er..Edward we came here to ask you to give Bella a ride her truck is in coma again and me and Alice are on a lunch date" jasper said sheeply. I grinned in response. I am more willing then you. I thought mentally.

Bella moved and tripped on table all the burger and sauce were over her.

" oh no sorry Esme !" she said from floor I helped her trying to control my laughter.

"its all right honey it is cone in Cullen residency." she said with a smile.

" thanks-" she said and whimpered in pain catching her leg. all my laughing was vanished in a second .

" Bella what happened?" I asked her panicking. she sensed it.

"Edward I'm fine" she whimpered again in pain.

" Bella you are not fine!" I frowned.

" it got hurt in my leg at same place again " she said in a quiet voice and whimpered in pain. I carried her in my arms and started moving upstairs. she stopped me.

" Bella plz " I said her frowning.

" Bella is staying here tonight I will tell Charlie" Carlisle said in a voice of authority. Bella sensed it and nodded. I started cleaning her wound. Carlisle was helping me my grandfather senior Carlisle was a doctor so dad knew first aid. bella's phone rang.

TWILIGHT : LOVE (all human) (twilight fanfic)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now