Chapter Three

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In my first few days with the Lord Commander, I decided to take advantage of the solitude he insisted on. I spent most of my time trying to Jump to my reality. I didn't have any intention of staying in my reality at this point, but I needed to learn how to control it. Then I could come back and set things right for the people I cared about. Brandon. Hayden. Ana. Joe. Victoria. Anyone else who might be left from the camp. I owed them all that much at least.

But as hard as I tried, nothing happened. Not even a flicker. I went over everything Austin had taught me again and again, but nothing happened. I tried thinking of Brandon—my Brandon—but not even that worked.

I was stuck.

And I was trapped.

Campbell was the only one to visit me at first. He brought me food, escorted me to my baths, and tried to say prayers with me. I refused, and waited until I was alone to pray for God's help. God might listen at all times, but I couldn't stand the thought of praying with someone who clearly didn't listen to God. Campbell attempted to talk to me, but I gave him my best "sullen teenager" act and ignored him. I let my mind wander, thinking about what my friends and family in my reality must be going through right now. I'd been here for days, which meant I'd been unconscious there for the same amount of time. I felt terrible, even though I had no control over it. The more I tried to Jump on my own, the more convinced I was that I hadn't done it on purpose before. Or at least, thinking I hadn't made me feel better about my situation.

I stood by my boarded up window, staring through the thin gaps and contemplating going to sleep again, even though the bright light peering in from the gaps in the wood told me it must be the middle of the day. I used a bobby pin from my vanity to keep tally of the days I'd spent there, and had just sadly carved in the seventh one. I'd begun to lose hope I'd be able to Jump on my own after putting in so much effort for a week, so my new hope was that I'd fall asleep and miraculously wake up in my reality.

Campbell brought me my lunch and set the tray down on my dresser. I didn't turn my head, but I could feel him staring at me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Trapped," I answered honestly, knowing the one word held more meaning for me than he could imagine.

"I'm hoping to change that soon," he said, his tone hopeful and full of questions I didn't understand.

I directed puzzled frown to him. "You make it sound like I have some say in the matter."

"Well, a lot of that is dependent on you," he drawled. He still stood by my dresser, toying with the stuffed bear sitting on the corner of it. The bear was old and ratty looking, the once white fur now a light dingy brown. "Do you recognize this?"

I shook my head, caught off guard by the sudden subject change. "I still don't remember much."

"You were six when the bombs went off." He picked up the bear and stared at it with a wistful quirk playing at his lips. "I was home on leave. Victoria and I immediately rushed over, not knowing what was going to happen next. I had to go back to base since we were on full alert. The other attacks came out of nowhere. Before we knew it, communications were down and we were without orders. Whoever attacked us knew where to hit in order cripple any counter attacks or defenses. It was chaos. I had no way of getting in touch with you. Phones were down. Power was shaky at that point, probably from the people running it all abandoning their posts and running to their families. Which is what I did. I came to get you all, take you back to base with me."

I could picture Campbell standing in the doorway in his uniform, urging us to come with him. But then I did something more than picture it. I remembered it. "Dad argued with you. He thought we'd be safer at home," I said slowly, unsure of the memory but somehow certain of it at the same time. But how could I be remembering? I wasn't there, and I wasn't a Jumper, so this couldn't be some weird Fluid Thought thing like Austin described. "He thought the base would be a potential target for another attack. That's the only reason you agreed not to take us there."

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