Chapter 27- Sold Like A Broodmare

Start from the beginning

"He's such a splendid fighter. Do you have any idea when we might..." She starts and blushes a bright red. Margaery giggles and shakes her head and the shy girl. She pops a chocolate strawberry into my mouth, letting her hand drift to my shoulder before turning to Sansa.

"I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married. It should grow quickly." She informs the girl who loses all her happiness in an instant.

"Joffrey won't let me leave. He's got too many reasons to keep me here." She frowns deeply.

"And only one to let you go." She says teasingly, turning back and starring into my eyes. "Because it will please me."

Tyrion enters, carrying a large tome. He spies Cersei and pauses. He looks to me and I can see the worry in his eyes.

"You're late." Tywin announces, staring at his youngest child.

"What's she doing here?" He spits and stays hesitantly at the door.

"Our business concerns her, too. Sit." He commands. Tyrion sits at the table, putting down his book and continuing with his news.

"You'll be pleased to learn that after one conversation with Olenna Tyrell, I've saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding." He sounds happy. Accomplished.

"Never mind that now. We have something important to discuss." Tywin brushes away the achievement.

"I'm Master of Coin. Saving money is important." Tyrion catches his sister's eyes. She stares. Smiling. My stomach drops. "Stop that. You're making me uncomfortable."

"Your sister has learned that your new friends the Tyrells are plotting to marry Sansa Stark to Ser Loras." Tywin informs. Oh no. Margaery. What did you do.

"Very well. She's a lovely girl. Missing some of Loras' favorite bits, but I'm sure they'll make do." I throw my hand over my mouth so I don't laugh aloud.

"Your jokes are not appreciated." His father snaps, causing me to straighten up.

"It wasn't my best, but..."

"I bring them into the royal fold and this is how they repay me, by trying to steal the key to the North out from under me." Tywin shakes his head angrily.

"Sansa is the key to the North? I seem to remember she has an older brother."

"The Karstarks have marched home. The young wolf has lost half his army. His days are numbered. Theon Greyjoy murdered both his brothers. That makes Sansa Stark the heir to Winterfell. And I am not about to hand her over to the Tyrells."

"The Tyrell army is helping us to win this war. Do you really think it's wise to refuse them?"

"There's nothing to refuse. This is a plot. Plots are not public knowledge. And the Tyrells won't carry this one out until after Joffrey's wedding. We need to act first and kill this union in its crib."

"And how do we do that?"

"We find Sansa Stark a different husband."


"Yes, it is." Cersei says. She is clearly amused. The realization hits me as clear as a summer day.

"You can't mean it." He mutters, as shocked as I.

"Grandfather. You can't!" I hold back from shouting but fail miserably.

"I can and I will."

"Joffrey has made this poor girl's life miserable since the day he took her father's head. Now she's finally free of him and you give her to me? That's cruel even for you."

"Do you intend on mistreating her? The girl's happiness is not my concern, - nor should it be yours."

"She's a child!"

"She's flowered, I assure you. She and I have discussed it at length." Cersei steps in.

"How dare you?" I snap at my mother. Her eyes turn to me, green like wild fire.

"There, you see? You will wed her, bed her, and put a child in her. Surely you're capable of that."

"And if I refuse?"

"You wanted to be rewarded for your valor in battle. Sansa Stark is a finer reward than you could ever dare hope for. And it is past time you were wed."

"I was wed. Or don't you remember?"

"Only too well." The story of the whore that Tyrion has told me many times runs through my head.

"You should be thanking the gods for this. This is more than you deserve." Cersei bites at her little brother.

"Tyrion will do as he's bid. As will you." Cersei's smile disappears as she finds her father's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll marry Ser Loras."

"I will not!"

"The boy is heir to Highgarden. Tyrion will secure the North, you will secure the Reach."

"No, I won't do it."

"Yes, you will. You're still fertile. You need to marry again and breed."

"I am Queen Regent, not some broodmare."

"You're my daughter! You will do as I command and you will marry Loras Tyrell and put an end to the disgusting rumors about you once and for all."

"Father, don't make me do it again, please." Her anger turns to a plea. Tywin slams his fist on the table and rises, making me jump from my seat.

"Not another word. My children. You've disgraced the Lannister name for far too long." Tywin leaves and I move to follow but he waves his hand. I look at my mother and my uncle who still sit. Brooding silently.

What a mess we have gotten ourselves into.

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