chapter four - escape

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"Okay, we're finally done training for today." Ivy said, throwing down her blade.

"I literally can't breathe, thank god." Stiles exhaled, dropping to the ground. He lied on his back, breathing heavily. "I don't know if I can do that again."

Apollo walked into the training room, looking frustrated. "I can't get a hold of Asher. He's been gone for awhile. Where is he?"

"Didn't he leave earlier, to go run some errands or whatever?" Stiles asked, sitting upright. "He was out of here in a hurry, he had to pick something up. I hope it was food."

"I don't know, this isn't something he would do." Apollo started to panic.

"Relax, he's probably letting off steam or something. Maybe he's at a gay bar." Ivy laughed. "I mean Gaylar, the grocery store." She said, making sure Stiles didn't hear what she said.

"Uhm, okay." Stiles said, laying down on the ground again. "Do you guys think we should go looking for him?"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna go look for him. Ivy, come with me. Stiles, stay here. Don't do anything stupid." Apollo said.

Stiles moaned. "Can I please go? I'm so sick of these white lights and stupid training rooms - there aren't even any windows in here! I don't even remember how it feels to be outside. What are trees? Never seen one."

"Shut up, you're fine. Let's go." Apollo said, pulling Ivy towards the door as she mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to Stiles.

As soon as he heard the door lock, Stiles immediately got up to look for food. He made his way through the numerous dark hallways and into the kitchen, which was also brightly lit with white lights. He dropped his stele on the marble counter and began to look for any food that the group may have left in the kitchen.

He opened the cabinets, and they were basically empty, just some Frosted Flakes and expired cheez-its. Stiles looked in the fridge, which had some milk, which was probably curdled. He looked inside and it was actually in its normal, liquidy condition.

"Great, I can make cereal for dinner. Wait, what time even is it? Ugh." Stiles said to himself. He grabbed a bowl and poured the Frosted Flakes in the bowl, then the milk. He sighed and grabbed a spoon, beginning to eat his cereal slowly.

"You know what? I'm gonna eat this cereal in the living room, cause Apollo isn't here to beat my ass if I do." Stiles said proudly to himself, letting himself into the room and sat down on Apollo's prized white leather couches.

Stiles ate his cereal in silence and let the quiet atmosphere of the house sink in.

Eventually, he started talking to himself. "I wonder how the Scott and the pack are doing, or everyone in the institute is. I hope Alec and Izzy okay..." Stiles said loudly.

"I hope Jace isn't losing his mind, he should be taking care of Alec so he doesn't do anything stupid." He continued, his mind wandering offi not a list of all the people who thought he was dead.

He put his cereal down on the counter. "Oh my god, I'm so stupid. Apollo and Ivy are gone, what am I doing just sitting around here? I could be escaping and not thinking about everyone and actually go and see them!"

Stiles held up both of his hands and high-fived himself before grabbing his stele off the counter and started making rounds around the house.

Chaos Rising [Book 2 Of Stiles Lightwood AU] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora