chapter one - dead

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you've waited maybe 2 years for this, sorry loves. but it's here, we're back <3

It'd been three months since the fight. No one was doing well.

Alec, Isabelle and Jace, Stiles's 'siblings', were having some of the worst time coping with the loss of their baby brother.

Isabelle spent most of her time in her room, not even going out to talk to Meliorn. Alec wouldn't stop trying to find a way to bring Stiles back, even though he knew nothing would change the past. Jace, instead of being sad, was incredibly angry and was taking it out on absolutely everyone and everything he came across. Strikes of the seraph blade and ranting at passersby were doing anything but helping.

Clary wasn't doing so well either. Someone who had gone through the same transition of human (without knowing, of course) to shadowhunter was gone from her life. She had already been missing so many people.

For her, Stiles was just one to add to the list.

Simon was mostly just missing one of his best friends who he could make jokes with, and was mildly distant from everything and everyone.

Magnus, while not being great friends with the Shadowhunter, was still distraught as well as Alec. Continuously attempting reviving spells with Alec wasn't exactly 'helping'.

Derek, although he hated Stiles at first, had developed a strong bond of friendship with him. He felt himself questioning what had ever made the two meet in the first place. He felt regret, but also like there was a missing person in his life.

The rest of the pack; Isaac, Lydia, Boyd, Allison and Erica, didn't really know Stiles that well, but they all grew into a friendship with him. His blunt humour and sarcasm was missing from the group, and the five grieved over that.

Scott was perhaps doing the worst of all. His depression took over his life. He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping, he was completely distant from everyone who tried to help him. He wasn't even speaking with Allison. The Clave had urged him to live on without his parabatai but warned him that it wouldn't be easy. Scott felt almost as if there was no meaning to his life anymore. His true other piece was missing and he was surely paying the price for letting him pursue the plan. Scott's magic parabatai tattoo given to him by Magnus was beginning to fade away from Scott's lack of interaction with Stiles. He knew that he still had to beat Sapphire, but in the state that he was in, he wasn't even sure if he could get out of bed.

Graduation was coming up in a few weeks, Scott wasn't even sure he was going to be able to graduate. He wasn't even planning on going to school anymore. Melissa, Scott's mom, was trying her best to help him. She was taking time off from work to help him even though there was risk of bankruptcy due to Melissa's lack of income.

Scott also grew a bond with Alec and some if the other shadowhunters after Stiles' death, but eventually lost their contacts. They all needed someone after this emotional time and Jace and Alec really got to know Scott. However, after this long, he couldn't even bring himself to call some of the only people who were experiencing that same loss as him without feeling even worse, so it'd been a couple of weeks since he'd talked to them anyway.

"Scott, come downstairs. Dinner's ready." Melissa told Scott from the opposite side of his bedroom door.

"I'm not hungry." He denied looking out of his window.

"Sweetie, please." She answered with sorrow in her voice. He didn't reply. "Fine, just come down when you're ready." Melissa shuffled awkwardly from the doorway and walked downstairs.

Scott sighed once more as his phone began vibrating. It was Allison. He ignored it just as he did to every other call that he had received since the accident. She called again and again, but he found himself ignoring all of her calls.

For Scott, it's been hard.


Since Stiles had died, Izzy, Alec and Jace haven't been able to do any missions without the demon or creature seeing them. They couldn't think straight, all they could do was think about what position Stiles would be in, or how the mission would be done differently if Stiles had been with them.

Isabelle sat down in her room, the grief finally taking its toll on her. She hadn't eaten for a few days, and she hasn't been getting any sleep as well.

Someone repeatedly hit Isabelle's door, asking her to let him in, it was Alec. "C-Come in." Izzy stuttered, evident sorrow in her voice.

"Izzy, dinner's ready, could you please come?" He asked her, hoping she would say yes.

"No thanks, I-I'm not hungry." She responded, her voice shaking as she spoke. Alec's gaze softened as he sat down next to Isabelle.

"I know you miss him. We all do. But he wouldn't want for you to stop eating and let you be so depressed. We have to stay strong. For him." Alec's voice shook as well as Izzy's as he said the sentence but he needed to be strong for her too, as much as he was breaking.

Isabelle sighed. "You're right." She mumbled in defeat and stood and walked out the door solemnly.

Alec sighed and followed.


"Guys, I'm glad that you're all trying to make me feel better, but all I want to do is be alone right now." Scott sighed, the pack surrounding him during a meeting they planned to help Scott.

"Scott, I know you're grieving, and we're all upset about Stiles's death as well. We can't just leave you alone, know that we're all here for you." Derek said. "Trust me, I feel your pain. I've lost people too."

"No, you don't. You don't understand how it feels to lose your other half. I feel nothing except emptiness. I feel like I'm not even living anymore." Scott replied.

Allison locked eyes with him and her eyes began to water. She walked over to him and tried to pull him into a hug. Just as she was inches away from making contact, Scott felt a piercing pain in his right shoulder, causing him to jolt backward and lose his balance.

"Oh my god, Scott! Are you okay?" Allison gasped, immediately offering her hand for Scott to balance.

He took it and positioned himself, still grasping his shoulder. The pain, still sharp, occupied his attention. Allison didn't even lay a finger on me, he thought. She couldn't have even hurt me this much. What is going on?

"Jesus, Scott." Lydia interrupted Scott's thoughts. "Are you alright? What was that?"

"I.. I don't know." Scott was dumbfounded, but couldn't stop thinking that it had something to do with Stiles. He needed it to have something to do with him. "Maybe it was Stiles trying to send a message." Scott suggested, checking if anyone considered it a viable option.

"Be realistic, Scott. Stiles is gone. We're trying to get you out of this mess, not buried deeper into it." Derek said, placing a hand on Scott's shoulder. "Part of moving on is letting go-"

Scott moved backward out of Derek's reach. "But I know he isn't gone. I couldn't possibly expect you guys to understand how I know that, but I do." Scott sighed. "I swear, I am going to prove to all of you that Stiles isn't gone. I am going to bring him back."

Without turning to listen to what the pack had to say, he turned and walked away from them. He knew he would have to do this, with or without the pack's support. For now, he was going to find the shadowhunters.

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