Chapter 35:Day at the Beach

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Okay so last time Tenma and Patrick had a "little" sparring match and Shikawa encountered the Hanzo Ultimate students. Although Tenma refuses to listen to the girls and walked off on his own. What is the Warlord of Thunder going to do about this situation?
Hibari looked at her friends in worry as all of them were in quite a depressed state due to the less then happy reunion with Tenma yesterday. "Poor girls, they were all worried about Tenma, but they let their anger get the better of them." Hibari thought to herself as she looked down in sadness. "Something on your mind Hibari?" Hibari turned to see Asuka's grandmother Sayuri standing there looking at the other girls as well. "I-It's just that everyone has been completely depressed ever since we met up with Tenma the other day." Hibari said as she once again looked down in sadness.
Sayuri let out a sigh as she patted the pink haired girl on the back. "Your worried about both Tenma and the other girls correct? I've worried about Tenma ever since Kiriya first introduced me to him." Sayuri states as a grim expression spread across her face. Hibari looked over at the elderly Shinobi with a worried and curious expression. "Tenma May do a good job at hiding it, but on the inside he's hurting. He lacks confidence in himself and doesn't believe he deserves to be the Warlord of Thunder." Sayuri explained as Hibari got increasingly worried about Tenma's mental state. "B-But Tenma always seems so calm and collected in battle, how could he lack confidence?" Hibari asked in disbelief as Sayuri's expression just got even more grim then before.
"There's a difference between being confident in one's abilities and simply not fearing death." Sayuri states as Hibari gets scared at Sayuri's harsh words. "W-What do you mean by that?" Hibari asked with fear in her voice at the elderly Shinobi's words. Sayuri let out a sigh as she gave Hibari a serious look that made the clover eyed girl to stand up straighter. "Tenma isn't afraid to die in battle, in fact he doesn't care if he does. His way of thinking that if any member of the Warlords should give their life for the team, it should be him." Sayuri explained as Hibari started to have a few tears roll down her face.
Sayuri then sighed once again before giving Hibari a gentle smile. "That's why I want you to go check on him. From what my granddaughter tells me you were the only one that didn't get angry with him." Sayuri said as she once again gave Hibari a look of encouragement. "Tenma could use your support right now, so please help him." Sayuri said as she patted Hibari on the back before walking over to Asuka and the rest of her team. Hibari then made sure that her teammates and the rest of the girls were distracted before sneaking off to the Warlords beach house.
Hibari could see the Beach House in front of her, but she also felt like she was being watched. "Now wha are you doing here lass?" Hibari turned to see Patrick in a flora shirt and swim trunks looking at her from the top of a palm tree. "I-I'm here to see Tenma!" Hibari said as tried to hide the fear in her voice from Patrick. Patrick began to laugh as he shot Hibari an eerie grin. "Now wha makes you think I'm jus gonna let ya lass? After all the pain you and yer friends have caused Tenma, why would I let you by?" Patrick asked Hibari as trembled under the Irish Shinobi's gaze, but held her ground.
                 "I-I'm going to see Tenma and your not stopping me!" Hibari shouted at Patrick who just responded with another eerie grin. "Oh? Is that so lass? Well then why don't you prove it?!" Patrick shouted as he shout a firm glare at Hibari, who once again trembled in fear at it. Hibari took a deep breath before walking towards Patrick with an air of caution, but was determined to get to Tenma. Hibari screwed her eyes shut as she walked pass Patrick. Although a hand patting the top of her head made her stop dead in her tracks. Hibari looked over at Patrick who smiled at her. "Well done lass! You could've runaway with your tail between yer legs, but instead ya held firm and stood up to me!" Patrick said as he chuckled at Hibari.
               "W-Wait you weren't going to attack me?" Hibari asked in complete confusion at the Irish Shinobi's sudden change in mood. "Wha? Of course I wasn't goin to attack ya! Now come on, ya wanted to see Tenma right?" Patrick said as he led Hibari to the beach house as he struck up conversation with the pink haired girl. "Despite how scary he can be Patrick is actually really nice!" Hibari thought to herself as she walked with the Irish Shinobi to the Warlord's beach house. "An here we are! Now where did that Staticky got bunk off to?" Patrick said as he looked around for the Warlord of Thunder.
                     "Hibari senpai!" Hibari turned to see Muramasa Run up to her and give her a hug. "Oh Muramasa, what are you doing here?" Hibari asked her under class men in surprise and confusion. "Shikawa invited us along with New Hebijo here! Sorry we didn't tell any of you, we were sworn to secrecy." Muramasa said in an apologetic tone as she let go of Hibari. "It's okay Muramasa, although do you know where Tenma is?" Hibari asked the younger girl who smiled at her words. "Tenma and Shikawa are our fishing with the other guys!" Muramasa said as she pointed a little ways down the beach.
                   Tenma sat in his folding chair while his fishing pole was being held in a PVC pipe that was stuck in the sand. "So how you feeling Tenma? You know after the whole coma and, well you know." Haru asked his friend awkwardly as he looked out over the ocean. "Is this your idea of casual conversation? I'm fine Haru, just need time to clear my head." Tenma said as he fiddled with one of the buttons on his flora shirt that was unbuttoned. "Come on man you know we're here for you, so don't feel like you need to hold back." Itsuki said as he looked at Tenma with worry. "Yeah Tenma is misfits gotta stick together right?" Kaito added as he patted his friend on the back.
"Come on guys we're at the beach and are trying to relax, my struggling love life can wait. That being said I see that three teams of Shinobi girls have also arrived on the island and are looking for you. Care to explain?" Tenma asked in a teasing tone as his three childhood friends blushed a deep crimson at his words. "H-Hey why are you bringing our girlfriends into this?!" Kaito stuttered our in embarrassment as he put his face in his hands. Tenma laughed at his friend's embarrassment as he finally was starting to feel pretty good after all the bullshit that's happened over the past few weeks. "Tenma!" Tenma turned to see Hibari running up to him in a white bikini with purple dots on it.
                 Tenma's expression darkened as Hibari came closer, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. "What do you want Hibari? I will admit you weren't mad at me when I woke up, but that doesn't change you and the others are better off without me." Tenma said as the other guys became worried about Tenma's mental condition taking a dive again. Hibari's hair cast a shadow over her eyes as she walked up to Tenma and slapped him across the face. "Y-You idiot! Do you know how worried I've been about you?! The others were cruel that I can't deny, but that doesn't mean we don't care about you!" Hibari wailed our as she buried her face in Tenma's chest.
              Tenma wrapped his arms around Hibari as he gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm sorry my little rabbit, thinks haven't been easy for me these past few weeks. I'm not quite ready to face the others yet, but your welcome to come visit." Tenma said as Hibari looked up at him and smiled before they both locked lips. "Well ain't this just a tear jerker?" Tenma and Hibari broke apart as they both shot a glare at Patrick. "Glad to see your gettin back to your normal self boyo!" Patrick said with a chuckle as he smiled at his friend. "It's getting pretty late, we should probably start heading back to the beach house." Kaito said as the group packed up their things and made their way back to the beach house.

Alright so now Hibari has gotten Tenma to wake up from his depression, if not a little bit. Although who's to say some of the other girls won't question her sudden disappearances in the future? What is in store for the Warlord of Thunder? Find out in the next chapter of Senran Kagura:Thunderbird!

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