Chapter 27:A Warlord's True Power

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Alright its finally time to find out what this mysterious "it" that Tenma said he should have used to back during the last Hell Kaiser Assault. It's time for Tenma to show the Dark Faction just how strong a Warlord truly is! The Hell Kaiser's will learn the meaning of fear.
Tenma could not believe that Imu and Murasaki's Father was the man behind the creation of this monstrous Yoma. "Well, well, well if it isn't my two ungrateful daughters helping the Warlords foil our plans!" The scientist said with venom in his voice as he glared down at his two daughters in disgust. "Hey old man why don't you come down here and fight me yourself! I need to pay you back for the horrible things you said about your daughters when you disowned them!" Tenma shouted up to the scientist in anger. The man turned towards Tenma and smiled at him evilly.
"Yes Warlord of Thunder I have something to tell you about your missing teammates!" The scientist said as Tenma glared at him. "What did you do to my teammates you bastard!" Tenma shouted as the scientist let out a mad cackle. "Yes your teammates! What were there names again? Ah yes Yakaen, Kyohari, and Ishibura correct? Well my masterpiece over there beat all of them within an inch of they're life, he would have killed them if it wasn't for the pesky government jumping in to save they're star team!" The scientist said with another mad cackle as Tenma felt something within him snap at that bastard's words. Tenma's whole body began to shake uncontrollably in anger.
                   "Yes well I'll make sure that my creation finishes you and the Warlord of Water off! Although it looks like water boy over there did himself in!" The scientist let out another crazed cackle before smiling down at Tenma. Tenma was now barely containing his now violently shaking body that it looked like he was spasming. "You think this is funny!!!!!?" Tenma shouted in pure rage at the scientist's words. "Alright you bastard it looks like I'll just have to show you the true power of a Warlord!! Your sorry excuse for a monster could never defeat my three team members if they went all out!!! Now I'm going to rip your monster limb from limb!!!!" Tenma shouted as his rage continued to grow with every word he spoke.
                   Tenma pulled out a golden scroll with black thunderbolt symbols all over it, which caught the attention of his girlfriends. "What kind of scroll is that?" Yumi asked as her and the other girls looked just as confused as she was. The girls all heard a groaning come from behind them, only to find Shikawa sitting up while leaning on Chitose for support. "Shinobi Warlord is more then a team name or a title, it's also the power that allows a Shinobi to perform a second transformation that makes them unbelievably powerful! I'm the only Warlord who has yet to unlock it, but that scroll Tenma is hold contains that unbelievable power." Shikawa said before he started having a coughing fit. The girls turned back towards Tenma to see this unbelievable power for themselves.
               A thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere as lightning began to rumble and flash inside the clouds. The girls thought Tenma summoned the storm only to see that the scroll he was holding was glowing and summoning the storm on it's own. "Warlord Transformation!!!" Tenma shouted as the thunder clouds unleashed hundreds of bolts of lightning rained down from the sky and all struck him at once. The lightning form a giant ball that completely encased Tenma within it as everyone looked on in complete awe. There the ball floated in the air as some sort of cocoon. "Do you really think a big ball of lightning will scare me or my creation!!?" Imu and Murasaki's dad said as he cackled once again at Tenma, who was in the giant ball of lightning.
            Suddenly two glowing purple circles appeared on the lightning ball as it began to shrink. The wind began to howl at high speeds as the ball kept getting smaller and smaller until it was barely big enough to contain a person. Then what remained of the lighting ball shrank until it completely disappeared, revealing Tenma with an upgraded version of his Shinobi form. Tenma's Shinobi gear still has the base design, but with some new additions. The metal plate on the top of his ninja head mask was now gold and had two oni horns on it. Tenma had golden arm and hand golden armor, he also had golden leg armor that went down to his boots. He also had a sleeveless tiger fur trench coat that went down to his ankles. Tenma also has a large ornate belt with a thunderbolt in the center of the buckle. Finally he had the Thunder God's drum wheel floating close to his back. (Like the one that the guy has in the picture at the top)
Everyone was in complete shock at Tenma's new form, it just seemed to ooze power from every angle. "Do you think a costume change will be able to stop my creation? Let's see if this form truly is all it's cracked up to be!" The scientist said as he summoned an ridiculous number of Hell Kaiser Shinobi. "You now must face an army of 2,000 Hell Kaiser Shinobi! Let's see if your new form is anything special!" The scientist cackled as he watched Tenma with a shit eating grin. Tenma stuck his hand out with his thumb up. Then without missing a beat Tenma puts his thumb down which causes thousands of thunderbolts rain down from the sky frying all 2,000 Hell Kaisers into dust.
The Scientist was now completely panicked at what this boy was capable of with his new form. Tenma finally opened his eyes to reveal to everyone that his purple eyes are now glowing purple dots. Tenma then turns his head to look at the scientist. "I must say Doctor your monster is quite impressive! Although I do have one question, can it feel fear?" Tenma asked as he tilted his head slightly to the side. "Are you a fool? Yoma can't feel fear! They are demonic monsters that only know how to destroy!" The scientist cackled out nervously. Tenma then turned to look at the monster, which roared at him in response. "Let's change that shall we?" Tenma said as his voice seemed to be echoed by the thunder.
                  The monster rushed Tenma who stood there unmoving, despite the screams of his girlfriends. Before the Yoma could utilize it's weapons on Tenma, the Thunder Warlord caught two of his eight arms by the wrists. Tenma then rips the Yoma's arms off with his bare hands as the Yoma stumbled backwards before roaring in both pain and rage. The Yoma charged Tenma once again, but just as the monster brought down it's weapon Tenma disappears as quick as a flash of lightning. Tenma reappears behind the Yoma before drawing his sword from his back as the blade is instantly encased in lightning. Tenma cleaves off the rest of the Yoma's right arms as the beast once again roars in pain.
                   Tenma then looks at the beast with a bored looking in his glowing purple eyes as the Yoma once again charges him. As the monster raises it's remaining left arms in a hope of getting a few cuts in with it's remaining weapons. Although just as the Yoma reels back for the swing Tenma cut off it's remaining arms, as it once again stubbles back before looking at all of it's bloodied stumps. Tenma steps forward and gets the Yoma's attention once again. "Now before I put this pig to slaughter let's put it to sleep shall we? Are you afraid monster?" Tenma said as the Yoma began to run away making terrified screeching noises. "Well that's a good enough for me!" Tenma said as he shoots into the air.
Tenma floats there as he grips his sword with both his hand as the lightning goes from yellow to purple on the blade. "Thunder Warlord Art Thunder God's Judgement!" Tenma shouted as he rocketed towards the Yoma at high speeds before unleashing a diagonal slash cutting the beast in two from it's shoulder to it's hip. The monster's two halves turn to dust as Tenma turns back towards the scientist, who was both angered and confused at the situation. "How could my masterpiece be defeated?" The Scientist shouted in rage as he looked down at Tenma with hatred. "It's simple Doctor, your monster fighting me is like Frankenstein's monster fighting God." Tenma said as he appeared in front of the Doctor before picking him up by his collar.
"I should end you for trying to kill my teammates, but you are Imu and Murasaki's dad so I'll just tell you this. Tell your boss next time he messes with the Warlords, it will be a hell of a lot more bloody." Tenma said as he threw the Doctor far away from the school before appearing in front of the girls. "Babe that was amazing!" Homura cheered as she hugged Tenma, who returned it happily. Once Homura ended the hug Tenma suddenly untransformed and collapsed onto the ground. Imu and Murasaki propped Tenma up only to find that he was completely unconscious for some reason. "Looks like the transformation finally took it's toll on him." Shikawa said weakly before passing out himself. The girls carried both boys to the infirmary in order for them to get patched up.

Alright I cannot tell you how long I've wanted to reveal this new form for Tenma! Please tell me what you think of the Warlord Transformation in the comments. What does the future hold for Tenma and his Girlfriends? Find out next time on Senran Kagura:Thunderbird!

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