The palace of Mist

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I followed the boy's tracks to the largest human filled building I had ever seen. I used the last lesson Kanjigar taught me to blend in with the shadows. It took me two horns, but I finally found the Trollhunter. He was talking to the other boy from the bridge.

" I don't think Romeo and Juliet is exactly the answer Tobes. I don't mean just exciting, I mean more. I just need to know there is something more to life than, high school."

I watch the new Trollhunter glance down at the amulet in his hand, and I accidentally hit one of the storage devices on the wall. I run into a room full of mist. and hide in the shadows.

"Hello?" I hear, and I'm tempted to reveal myself, "Anybody in there?"

He looks right at my hiding place but doesn't see me.  the Trollhunter's comrade catches his attention and he leaves the doorway. I stand there for a moment before using a portal crystal to return to Troll Market. I need Blinkous, it's his time. 

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