The New Troll Hunter

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I felt my body return to normal just as I heard noises near Kanjigar's remains. 

The sun is up, so I stay put; as I have had limited contact with others of my species. Human, I realized the voices were. Then I noticed something. The small crystal around my neck started to glow, just as it had when the amulet chose Kanjigar years ago. I heard the amulet call out, and I knew it had chosen a new hunter. I would not have to retrieve the amulet after all. Then, I saw him. For the first time since Merlin himself wielded the amulet, it had chosen a human to protect our worlds. 

"James Lake"

I heard my father's voice for the first time in centuries.

"James Lake"

The boy came closer and picked the amulet out of the rubble. The pact was sealed. The amulet would not say a word, but the boy brought it up to his ear. Then, all I heard was a loud noise, and the boy bolted. It was now my duty to track him down and finalize his duties, and this time; I could do it as myself.

My name is Y/N L/N, and I am the daughter of Merlin.

"Blinkous, it chose a human." 

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