Chapter 29 Part .1 ~ When You Love A Friend

Start from the beginning

I would still be that horrid monster who kills ruthlessly and doesn't care, if it weren't for her. She saved me, and taught me how to gain control. She used my past, present, and future to help me. At the time, I thought that it was ridiculous but now... Now, I am ready to thank her and couldn't ask for anyone better to help me through this. She saved me. Ranaora Striaght saved my life.

Every bone in my body goes cold reading this, and shivers are sent up and down my spine. When I read about Rana, the way it is written is not like he is her friend but more of a lover...

Like he loved his best friend. Somewhere I had read about the humanity switch, and I suppose that is what happened to Elijah. He turned it off. My stick in the mud Uncle, actually turned off his humanity. 

Shaking my head, I hear a loud knock on my door. Freezing up, I quickly stuff the journal under my pillow and open the door. Staring into the awaiting eyes of my Uncle, he stares at me disappointed. "Adriana.. Give it back, please." He says calmly, and I can tell he is upset about something. Raising one eyebrow, I shake my head. 

"I don't know what your talking about... I didn't take anything, you shouldn't make false accu-" But he raises one finger, and steps into my room and lifts up my pillow taking out his journal. Disappointment and sadness written all over his face. 

"Uncle Eli-" Once again he shakes his head. 

"Don't even start. This is private, I have had others read my journals before, but yet, I have never been so disappointed in my life. I'm leaving for Rana's funeral, and I would really like it if you wouldn't come." He says bluntly, before leaving the room, my eyes tearing up. 

I know that he is grieving the loss of Rana, we all are but did he have to act like that? I follow him down the stairs, and he ignores me walking into the kitchen.

Mom is waiting there, eating eggs and bacon when she sees the sadness on Uncle's face and my sadness as well. "Okay, I'll bite. What's going on here?" She asks, putting her arms down on the table.

Uncle and I exchange a glance, before I sigh. "I read Uncle Elijah's journal because I wanted to know what he was up to way back then. I know it was wrong but I just... The curiosity got the best of me, and.." My voice trails up, and mom sighs.

She takes a long drink of water, and we both stare at her expectantly. She puts the glass down, before looking from one to the other. "Okay here's the deal; Adriana, you are trespassing and invading your Uncle's privacy. If he read your diary I'm pretty sure that there's stuff in there you don't want him to read, so tell him your sorry," Taking a deep breath she continues,

"Elijah. Adriana has more of Klaus and I's qualities by the day. Especially my curiosity, and Klaus's impulsiveness. Those two combined led her to this. Now, I'm not sticking up for her because I'm not taking sides. What she did was wrong, but she's 16! She's going to make mistakes, just let her learn from them. Now, you two need to make-up... Now!" She barks, and we jump in surprise.

Uncle Elijah turns to me, and hands me a pen and paper. "To write about what you did, after I read it I'll consider forgiveness. Have a good day Hayley." He says, before walking out closing the front door behind him.

"What the hell mom? I'm not taking sides yeah right! I have things to do."  Turning I start to walk out when I see dad jogging upstairs. Glancing at my mom, she gives me an encouraging smile and taking in a deep breath I walk upstairs.


Following my dad into his upstairs study, I walk in and he turns around and frowns at me. "Come to break another one of my bones littlest wolf?" He asks, and I have to fight not to roll my eyes but my eyes twitch slightly. He doesn't seem to notice this, which is a good thing.

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