Chappy Eighteen: Our Son

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Dieandel's POV

Khiara returned already after 30 minutes..

'their heading here!!'


I ask..


'tsk, why did you told him to be here??'

'chill okay?? I'm yours and truly yours, as what I've said Khyle is not my boyfriend, only you..! he's just important to me, cause I'm not being me for who I'm right now without him.. you will meet him soon okay??'

as she said that she's mine and only mine my conscience is screaming so damn loud.. if only she knows that I'm doing this because I want to break her, or for my plans.. I realize that I still love her but it's unfair, she hurt me so I should hurt her too so we'll be fair..

I know my pride is so high, but that's my perceptions..

when we're done eating all of us watch Titanic at the living area waiting for Khyle.. It's almost one hour waiting for that Khyle to show up.. I know our house is so far but traffic here is not in the vocabulary..


the sound of the door bell making all of us look at Khiara..

'they're here..!'


Khiara just winks at me and made her way to the door and open it.. as she return she's holding a kid, I think around 2 or 3 years old?? and behind her is Namichie with a bag..

we all stood up.. as I saw the kid my heart beats fast.. his face is familiar..

'hey guys, ahm.. this is Khyle Daniel, my son..!'

all of us gasp..

my mom made her way to the kid and get the kid from Khiara's hand..

'how old is he??'


'I don't want to assume but I want the answer, is this kid Dieandel's??'

she bow down my head.. I just stayed silent.. I also want the answer..


Khiara said.. making all of us stood in shock.. no way!! I have a son?? that I don't know??

'actually we're late because I get the papers that evidence it's Dieandel's son..!!'

Namichie said and Khiara glared her..

'I'm just prepared what if they won't believe you right? we all know the reaso--

'Namichie not now, I will explain promise..!!'

'actually we believe you Khiara, cause this is the face of my son when he's around 3 or 4..!! he is truly Dieandel's son..!!'

my mom said..

'so we're grandparents now honey..!! this day is the happiest day in my life..!!'

my dad said..

'I'm now an Aunt?? yesss!! wish come true..!'

Daisy said while I'm still in shock..

I'm now a dad..

I slowly smile and hug Khiara..

'why'd you didn't tell me?? but instead you left without saying the reason why you left..!'


the only thing she said..

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