Chappy One: The voice I want to hear for a long time

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Dieandel POV

'hey look where your stepping bro, you're dumbness can destroy people, tsk..!'


'you're sorry is not enough for the dirt you've made by Dieandel's shoe, you have to clean it up or we will make your face as rag to clean that dirt!'

Kevin said with a smirk on his face..

'ahm, I-I will clean it up..!'

that nerdy said who stepped on my shoe making it dirty..

'I'm too kind to make it hard on you poor nerdy guy, so I will make it easy for you.. you have to clean that with the use of your tongue..!'

I said calmly.. making him look at me in disbelief, and making my friends laugh hard..

'pardon sir??'

'owh you're not just a dumb ass nerd, you're also a deaf fucking nerd, tsk.. what-I-said-is-to-clean-my-shoe-with-the-use-of-your-tongue!! got it dumb fucking deaf nerd??'

he's annoying.. he's getting my nerves

he's on his way cleaning my shoe when someone stop him..

the voice I want to hear for a long time..

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