Chappy Sixteen: Realization

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Khiara's POV

'I can't do this, not now..!'


'owh you're here already, why'd you didn't knock??'

as I turn around it's his mother, no way.. I didn't know that he pulled his car beside their home.. shit.. I'm doom..

'owh hi mom, ahm it's just that she's not ready to meet you..!!'

'okay, Khiara.. don't be afraid I've learned from my mistake and my son let me realized it.. he really loves you..!!'

'Khiara, please..!!'

Dieandel said..

'honey can you leave us here please?? we'll just talk about something..!!'

please say no Dieandel, please, she might kill me here .. as my mind speaks ..

'ahm, okay..!'

shit.. I'm dead for sure.. as Dieandel make his way inside I cried inside me, no.. is this the end of my life??

'don't be afraid okay?? I meant it, I really learned from my mistake.. Dieandel is right.. what happened between me and your mother is none of your business, and you know what?? before when I threat you to leave Dieandel?? I thought you will stay but you didn't and I realized that what I think about you is wrong..!! that you really loved my son..!! and you that I believe that you're outside of me and your mother's past .. I'm standing here infront of you and sincerely sorry for what I've done before, I know I've hurt you, and I'm really sorry for that..!!'

as she said those words she smiled.. is this true?? or just a dream?? am I hallucinating things or imagining things?? or this really happened??

'you know back then I saw my son broked in pieces and I, his mother can't make him smile or let him go out of his room.. I can't make him feel well.. he committed suicide for 5th times.. he cried, smoked, drink and even do drugs.. I felt sorry for my son cause I know it is because of me, he's hurt because of me.. he's slowly killing his self back then, I don't want him to see my son slowly killing himself just because of my selfishness, so I decided and made a way just to make him happy, and making him happy is to be with you.. so I made ways just to find you and when I found you, I told him that you're at Montefalcon University and I enrolled him there, I even shared lots of funds so he could be there.. and I'm happy that he found you..! for what happened before?? let's just forget it and start a new life.. could you forgive me??'

I cried for what she have said .. I hug her..

'I already forgave you, cause if I were you back then I would do the same..!! but I can't promise you that me and your son will be at good shape again..!!'

she hug me tight ..

'thank you and I hope you will end up being husband and wife..!!'

and we laugh.. I really thought that she's going to kill me, but this is just realizations.. a realizations that can start a new chapter of our lives..

but I cannot believed that Diandel can do such things like those..

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