Chappy Five: Not Again

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Khiara's POV

'I couldn't believe that he could do that!!'

'well, you should believe now because he just did it, he is now a bully, and we need to stop him before this school will be a living hell for those nerds and students out there!!'

Jesha said, I still evaporating things happened back there.. I really can't believe that he being jerk?? unbelievable..


'your baby is calling Khiara!'

'not now, I'm not in the mood to talk to him right now.. he might think that I'm crying again..!'

'tsk, let me answer him!'

Namichie said and get my phone and answered it..

'hello?-- owh hi Khyle, what's up??-- Khiara?? -- owh she's busy, sorry! -- yeah -- I will -- yeah -- right, bye -- miss you too!'

'what did he said??'

I ask..

'he said he'll call you later, and by the way when will you visit him?? we miss him very much Khiara!'

'I don't know, maybe next month?? I don't know, specially Dieandel is here, I don't know what to do!!'

'just don't think about it okay?? everything will be alright!!'

Jesha said motivating me but it doesn't help..

'I hope so!!'



Namichie shouts making me ang Jesha glare at her..

owh it's just Namichie's assistant..

'owh! what now?'

'Mr. Mendez broked some science laboratory materials!'


the three of us said in unison..

'the fu---dge!!'

we all go to the Science Laboratory as fast as we can.. hell no!! not again..

as we enter the Science Laboratory some of the beaker, and Cylinder are on the floor and it is broken!!

'Dieandel Mendez!!'

I said glaring him..

he just smirk

'what? I could buy some, it's just an accident!'

'Let's - talk - outside!'

I said calm but deep inside I'm shouting and cussing.. I'm fucking mad right now,

'why not here??'


people around us gasp for my sudden burst, this is the first time they heard me cussed..

'sorry! Dieandel, please!!'

he put his hands in the air like he surrendered,

'okay, chill!!'

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