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I do not know why but this song makes me sad 😕😐☹️😣😖😫😰😥😭

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I do not know why but this song makes me sad 😕😐☹️😣😖😫😰😥😭

It reminds me of people Ive let go in my life. People ive lost. Just thinking about it is (😢) Crying to tears but then I listen to another song

 Just thinking about it is (😢) Crying to tears but then I listen to another song

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Then I smile😭😥😢😓🙁🙂😁😄

We're going to be alright!! 💙💜💚💛❤

Sorry if I made you sad.

But then I made you happy.😃

Just smile

S  inging 

M   Aking 

I  t

L  ife thats great

E  veryday 

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