Blood & Lust (a wattpad quicki)

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This is just a random thing I felt like writing, no actual plot or story or anything.

Blood & Lust:

Adrienne was sent by the Vampire Council to assassinate a 'seemingly' normal 18 year old girl. When his curiosity gets the better of him, the Council send a second assassin to finish what he did not; however, nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.......

Adrienne stood in trepid awe at the sight before him. Her skin had become black as marble, and her eyes now glowed a deep crimson as though lit from within. With one arm wrapped around the vampire-assassins' throat, she pried his neck from his shoulder to allow herself as much of his neck as she wanted. She sank her abnormally long, pearly white fangs into his neck, feeding on his blood, and her black raven wings fluttered with excitement.

There was no way for Adrienne to have guessed. He never would have thought that the girl he believed to be human was a Crusnik: a vampire that drinks the blood of vampires. She seemed perfectly normal at first. Peach skin, brown eyes, shallow features, until his blood-the blood of a vampire- was spilt during his struggle with the assassin. It wasn't serious, but it wasn't minor enough. A wound that close to Adrienne's heart was dangerous and it wouldn't easily stop its haemorrhage.

When she was finished, she released the vampire and let his dead body fumble to the ground, casting her burning red eyes on Adrienne, clutching the wound on his chest while blood escaped between his fingers. She took slow, ever-steady steps towards him leaning against the wall, and he looked upon her once hazel brown hair that was now a pallid silver, not unlike the moons'. She had features different from any vampire he'd ever seen: darkly tinted skin, glowing fire-red eyes, her silver hair and the abyss of black angels' wings that trailed behind her.

She would kill him, this darkly beautiful, bringer of death. If he ran she would catch him, if he fought she would easily defeat him in his weakened state. Adrienne was frozen, glued to the spot with apprehension. All he could do is wait, and hope that fate would bless him with a quick death. She was before him now, standing so close she was nearly atop his feet. With her black wings arched behind her like parentheses she was looking up into his eyes, which now had a fearful crease between them. Had he a pulse, it would be racing this moment.

She eyed his hand-still fiercely gripping the rend flesh below his heart-and hunger flickered in her crimson gaze. She took his hand in hers, surprisingly gently, and licked it clean, taking her time, savouring the flavour of each taste of vampires blood. Adrienne had to stifle a groan of disdain from the peculiar sensation this brought about. She moved to his fingers, ridding each one of the red liquid that would've lingered, enjoying her position of predator upon prey, most likely.

When she was finished, she released his hand and licked her lips, as well as the edges of her fingers. Adrienne stood silently immobile while she preened. When she was finished, she turned her attention to a cut on his lower lip that had trickled down his chin. She stared with all her attention, almost mystified by it. With her hands gently on his chest, she stood on the tips of her toes so that she could reach his face. Her soft, warm tongue touched his chin and slowly trailed up to the small gash on his mouth, and softly suckled his bottom lip, reluctant to release it and spoil the feeding pleasures.

An odd opulent feeling ravaged his skin as she did this, where he was face-to-face with the embodiment of his demise, yet he feared for his life no more. This angel of death, killer of vampires, Crusnik, was toying with Adrienne as a cat with its kill.

Although these were most-likely the last moments of his life, he found them strangely.....sensuous, and it was becoming exceedingly difficult for him not to return these darkly satisfying pleasantries.

She returned attention to his lip as quickly as she had released it from her own. Adrienne watched her, no longer with fear, but more like want, and he suspected the burning of his chest was not induced by his wound, but something else, something vampire shouldn't even feel. He watched the silver halo of her hair contrast with the thin black tinge of her skin, as her luminous red eyes fixed onto his, aflame with a hunger different than just a moment ago.

She leaned closer to Adrienne, sliding her small yet lethal hands up his chest, carefully avoiding his injury, and snaked around his rigid neck. In a vigorous instant her lips were upon his yet again, but not only for his blood from the cut, it seemed. She forced her tongue into his mouth, and was hungrily searching for something. He could taste himself on her and at the same time her spidery fingers traced the sides of his face.

That was it. He could no longer restrain himself. He was unable to resist the dangerous yet desirable creature before him. He let the emotions wash over him, and asphyxiate his senses, blurring his vision and clouding his mind as he seized her in his arms.

Surrendering himself, giving in to the ecstatic passion of blood and lust.

so waddya think?

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