08. The Humiliation.

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"You fucking idiot! How dare you go out wearing these filthy clothes? You are bloody Mrs. Soumitro Mukherjee! You get it?" yelled Soumitro. Reeya wept silently sitting in a corner of the room. She heard Soumitro speaking over his phone , "Thanks for letting me know about Reeya and her bitchy things Vardhan. I owe you a big time. You should have seen her face when I slapped her. Crying is what all woman can do!" laughed Soumitro.

Reeya washed her face and saw herself in the mirror. Bruise marks below the eyes and around her lips. Her eyes were swollen red. She opened the first aid box and applied soframycine to the bruise marks.

She cried again. Not because of the bruise marks. Bruise marks on the face would heal but not the on soul.

Reeya stared at the mirror. She moved her hand over it like she was searching something. She was searching Reeya. The old Reeya. Who had slapped a boy who just did shout at her once. She wanted that old Reeya so badly.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find one. Instead she put on the medicine and tried to smile. The bruise near her lips would not let her. So did her life.

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