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things were great in molly's new home. susie normally checked up on her, making sure she felt comfortable and safe. molly often stayed up most nights to admire the artwork on the walls of her new room or chat out the window with george since he couldn't come inside.

also, since paul couldn't see molly at her place anymore, molly regularly went to his house on the weekends or had him come to her window, too. the weekend after molly moved to susie's, she visited him in his bedroom.

"long time no see, stranger," he said as she climbed through his window. "how've you been?"

"fine, thank you very much," molly said rather passive aggressively since he didn't call her all week up until that friday! "how have you been? haven't talked in a while, hmm?!"

"my phone was out," paul laughed and pointed to a broken phone on a small table in his room. "sorry for missing your calls, i guess,"

molly calmed down and shook her head. "no, i'm sorry. i shouldn't act so clingy," she sighed.

"you're not clingy, molls," he poked her. they were on his bed. it was around eleven, and it was very dark outside. molly stood up and flattened her dress out so it wasn't wrinkly anymore. "hey, where's that fancy bra you had on last week?" paul asked cheekily.

"that? oh, that was george's sisters'." she explained and walked over to paul's closet. paul followed. "your closet is a mess! we should sort it out tonight,"

"i didn't bring you over here to clean, did i?"

"you didn't bring me, i walked."

"now we're starting to sound like our parents," he laughed. "but i did want to ask you something. again,"

molly walked back to his bed and laid down, curling into the fetal position while waiting for him to ask. "cuddle with me, paulie-poo," molly patted next to her on the bed.

paul hopped back on the bed and slid his shoes off, taking her mary-james off with his and putting them next to the bed.

"now," she grinned as he spooned her. "what is it that you'd like to ask me?"

paul adjusted himself so she was firmly pressed against his back. "it's about that whole erm... girlfriend thing," he whispered in a low voice.

molly instantly tensed up upon hearing that. she was putting it off, not really wanting to talk about it after he wouldn't call her. she was afraid he changed his mind. sure, she wanted to be with paul, but she didn't think either of them were ready to really be in a relationship. he occasionally stopped talking to her for a week until he wanted to see her again.

"uh... what about it?" molly said just above a whisper.

"well... i was hoping for an answer," he rubbed her arms to try and get her to to relax.

"oh..." was all she said after a second.

paul waited for her to say something— anything, but she didn't. he wondered if she even heard him. after a few minutes of just silence, he spoke up.

"how's the new house?"

"it's okay," molly mumbled back without effort. she sniffled and said, "parents are so strict," she adjusted herself so she was on her back with her head on his pillow. he stayed the way he was with his arms around her, legs tangled with hers.

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