17- The Sinister Six

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I landed on top of a light pole overlooking the prison yard.

"Vibe, Frost, Elongated round up the prisoners put them back where they belong and just help the cops as much as possible." Barry said through our comms as he crossed through the prison fence.

"Spider, you're with me. I have a feeling there's more to this than just a prison break. This has been orchestrated." He continued with his orders.

"You're thinking Doc broke the rest of his goonies out." I said.

I saw the Flash nod out of the corner of my eye as we entered through the back of the prison.

"Iris, what are you seeing?" Barry asked into his comms back to base.

"I'm seeing nothing, the place is empty." She said sounding almost certain.

"It's too quiet. You'd think there'd at least be cops and prisoners fighting in here." I said as we walked.

I knelt down and checked a guards pulse that was lying next to a bloody prisoner.

"All the guards, they're dead." I said into the comms.

"This doesn't feel right." Barry said. "Iris, are you sure it's empty."

I heard something behind me, crawling on the wall.

My spider sense suddenly exploded causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise quickly.

"Trap!" I yelled as I tackled Barry to the ground just as the Scorpions barbed tail came down on where he was standing a moment ago.

"Thanks for that." Barry said as we stood up.

"Anytime, so what's the play coach?" I asked him as the Scorpion crawled the wall, Electro hovered in keeping himself a float with electric currents, the sand covering the floor began to move as a bolt of red lightning exploded into the room revealing Daniel West, the Lizard crawled over along the floor, and the Vulture flapped his wings next to Electro.

Barry struggled to get the words out. "He was overwhelmed."

"Guys, the entire Sinister Six is here. We walked into a trap." I said into my comms.

"I want the Spider." Electro hissed.

"He's mine." Vulture squawked back at Electro.

"Not if I get him first." Scorpion growled.

"Alright, I'll draw those three away. You deal with the others." I said to Barry before I webbed two parts of the ceiling and slingshotted myself passed the three villains and into the rainy night sky.

"Okay, they're safe in Cisco's workshop. No surveillance or anything we're good to go." Joe said to Iris as they walked into the cortex.

What was happening on three separate screens wasn't anything they had seen before.

On one, Cisco and Killer Frost were successfully holding back the prisoners with the help of the CCPD.

"Cisco and Caitlin, you guys are doing good keep up the good work." Iris said giving them words of encouragement.

Iris looked over at Nora sympathetically. "Hey he's going to be okay. It's just a prison break, nothing to worry about."

Nora nodded.

"Guys, the entire Sinister Six is here. We walked into a trap." Lukas's worried voice sounded over the intercom.

"You were saying?" Nora said starting to shake. "How do you deal with this?"

"Trust me, I used to be the same way?" Iris said to her.

"How'd it stop?" Nora continued to talk.


The team watched as Barry launched into an attack against Daniel and the Lizard while Lukas used his web swinging and agility to evade the Vulture and Electro while dodging poison shots from the Scorpion who stayed firmly on the roof.

Barry was currently running continuously in circles before he stopped and sent a very large lightning bolt straight into Daniel West's chest.

Daniel froze in terror before tweaking out and falling unconscious on the prison floor.

Lukas was also feeling a little victory as he caught Scorpion off guard and using a swinging kick straight into the Scorpion's side sending him tumbling off the building.

He was quick to spring back into action and did something incredibly stupid. He started swinging straight at Electro.

"What is he doing, he's going to get himself killed." Nora said shaking her head.

"No, he's got a plan." Joe said putting his hands on her shoulders.

"What's going on in here?" James's voice asked from the entrance to the cortex.

Joe took a deep breath.

"Is that my son?" He asked as him and Madison walked into the cortex.

"He's a hero." Iris said as they watched the footage on the TVs.

"Why didn't he just tell us?" James asked confused.

"For your protection, even though you don't need it. Barry did the same thing." Iris groaned.

"Where has he been during the last few months, he hasn't been in the field?" Madison asked.

"He was injured by the Lizard pretty badly. He had to wait until he was fully recovered and if I'm being honest I don't think he's recovered yet." Nora said rubbing her arms.

"He looks like he's doing pretty good to me." James said as Lukas dodged an electricity blast causing it to hit the Vulture who was chasing Lukas through the air. The Vulture screeched as he hit the prison rooftop in a smoking mess.

Barry in the meantime had successfully taken down the Lizard with a couple of punches behind the knees causing him to fall which gave Barry a clear shot at his head knocking him unconscious.

Quickly after Lukas dodged the electric blast he shot a web into his face and followed it up with an insanely powerful punch to the face sending Electro through the air and into the forest.

"How strong is he?" James asked in shock.

"He can lift over ten tons. I mean he caught a bus." Joe said shrugging.

"How can you all be so calm about this?" Madison asked confused. Then it hit her. "I guess you've been doing this for years, never mind."

"All clear." Barry's voice spoke.

"Clear as well." Lukas said.

"We're good as well." Cisco said.

"Let's head home." Barry said to the rest of the team.

Cisco, Caitlin, and Ralph breached into the cortex and Barry sped in causing a gust of wind.

"Guys, Guys look." Nora said terrified drawing everyone's attention back to the screen.

The entire Sinister Six had Lukas surrounded on the roof.

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