10- Confession

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"Barry, Barry what's going on?" Iris's voice asked through Barry's comms as he heard Spider's final message through the comms.

"It's Spider. He's down. Oh my lord, that's a lot of blood." Barry said.

"His vitals are stable, he's just unconscious but he's loosing blood quickly." Cisco said.

"As soon as he gets here I'll prep him for surgery and begin operating as soon as possible." Caitlin spoke.

"Alright, I'm bringing him back now." Barry spoke as he lifted The Spider into his arms.

"What's going on?" He croaked out.

"You've been injured very bad. Just close your eyes, it's going to be okay." Barry said. "You're going to be okay."

In less that a minute Barry had Spider lying in a medical bed unconscious.

Cisco hacked into Spider's suit so that only the bottom half of it stayed on so that Caitlin could gain access to the wound.

"What happened?" Nora asked coming in.

She saw the hero lying on the bed and immediately started hyperventilating, tears sneaked passed her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

"This is my fault. This all my fault." She cried.

Barry was next to her immediately. "How is it your fault. There's nothing you could've done."

"If I had my speed, I could've been in the field with you guys. I could've prevented it." Nora sobbed. "Is he going to be okay?" She cried.

"He's lost too much blood, he might not make it through the night." Caitlin replied as she finished stitching his body up.

Nora broke down again as Sherloque approached his body. Sherloque's hand slowly put his hand on the Spider's head.

"No." Barry said sternly.

Sherloque immediately removed his hand.

"Don't you want to discover who the man behind the mask is?" Wells asked.

"I'm sure all of us want to know who he is but that's not the right way. He will tell us when he's ready." Barry said.

Nora looked at the ground.

"You heard Caitlin he may not even make it." Sherloque stated.

Barry started into his eyes. "He'll make it."

"Even if he does. It could be months before he can return to the field." Caitlin said shrugging.

Barry nodded and went to the computer.

"Today before the Spider arrived on scene the Lizard was speaking. He said 'You have no idea what's in store for you, I'm only one of six. Just wait until you meet the master.' Once the Spider arrived on scene he stopped talking." Barry said as he pulled up six images. Five of them were silhouettes.

"Do you have any idea who he was talking about." Iris asked.

Barry shook his head. "I wish I did, but I don't. All I know is that when the others show up, we'll know it and we'll be ready to lock them up in Iron Heights.

It would only be a matter of time before they reared their ugly heads.

The next day. . .

"Where am I?" I croaked out.

"Oh my god you're awake, thank god you're awake." Nora's voice cried as he was engulfed with a hug.

"Did you guys take off my mask?" I asked.

Nora shook her head. "Sherloque tried but Flash wouldn't let him."

"I'll have to remind myself to thank him later." I said examining the cuts that had almost scarred already thanks to my quick healing.

Nora laughed as I pressed the spider symbol causing my suit to fully cover my body again. Cisco had clearly gotten to work while I was unconscious because the suit was almost brand new.

I stumbled out of bed and may or may not have used Nora to help walk.

Voices echoes in the hall and in walked the entire crew.

I froze in my tracks as my lenses met Barry's eye contact.

I had known for awhile now, or I had a guess at least. I probably didn't trust my detective skills as much as I thought I did considering I was surprised.

"Are you?" I questioned.

"The Flash?" He asked. "Yes that's me, Barry Allen." He said coming over to shake my hand.

I stood straight up, put my head down and grabbed the back of my mask. I took a deep breath before pulling it over my head.

I looked at him square in the eye. "I know, we've met."

He took a step back in shock.

"How? You weren't in Central City when the satellite crashed." He proclaimed.

"Plot twist." Cisco said excitedly.

"The day we investigated the satellite, I was bitten by a spider that had come from inside of it." I explained.

I looked at Nora who just stared at me.

"We'll give you guys some space." Iris said ushering all of the others out of the room.

Nora squealed and jumped on me, it took all of my willpower to catch her without falling.

"Holy crap, finally." She said as she got off of me.

"Wait you knew?" I asked.

"Of course I knew. You really think I'd be that dumb as to why you were so protective over me, and following me around, always saving me. Plus your voice that was easy. Oh yeah, and the bottom half of your face very distinguishable."

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked her.

"Because it was your secret not mine." She said. "Plus that kiss was really hot and I figured if I knew your secret you'd stop coming to the balcony." She said shyly.

I laughed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Well I'm injured and it's going to be a bit before I can get back in the field so I mean are you busy tonight?" I asked her.

She shook her head and bit her lip.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I would love that."

She said coming forward and kissing me, she really was in love with both the spider and myself. I was just too scared to face the truth and just tell her it was me.

Things just got a lot more interesting.

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