"TaKE tHEm AWaY"


Yikes. The throbbing in my head continued, making me feel nauseous. I felt a shake outside my body and a faint voice following afterwards. "H.......y....Hey man! Wake up!" I woke up slowly. Still feeling the throbbing pain in my head as I say up from a very uncomfortable wooden bed. I looked around, a cold stone cell, not a very welcoming sight to wake up to. Not that the velvet room is any better, but her who cares? I felt a hand on my shoulder and i looked to see the blond student, staring at me in concern. "You alright man?" I held my head and looked up at him as he stood up. "Despite the throbbing pain in my head, I'll managed. What about you?" I asked. The boy popped the joints in his body, groaning at the process. 'Yeah, more or less." he replied. The blonde boy looked around the cell then let out an agitated grunt. "Guess this isn't a dream at all huh?" he questioned through gritted teen. I could sense the agitation growing inside him as he ran over to the bars and started to kick it harshly, sending a loud ear-raping bang throughout the cell and beyond. "Damn it! Let us outta here! I know there's a least one of you bastards out there!" he shouted. No matter how loud he shouted or how hard he kicked the metal bars, nothing has changed at all.

Clicking his tongue, the boy walked back to me, hands in pocket, and a scowl on his face. "Grr. Where the hell are we!? Is this some kinda TV set?" he questioned again. "If that's the case then the pain we felt wouldn't have existed." I replied. "That or they're really good at their jobs." he added.

I sighed at the boy's lack of logic. I don't think he truly understands that this place is way too abnormal to be our world. 'If that's the case, then where exactly are we?' I questioned in thought.

The two of us suddenly hear an agonizing scream coming from outside the cell. The both of us immediately ran towards the bars to hear it better. "What the hell? What was that just now?" the boy asked in shocked by the sound of the scream. "That scream, it sounded utterly painful." I added also shocked by the sound of it.

It was faint, but we then began to hear more. The cries of mercy and pain. Just hearing it all is making my blood cold. "Okay! This shit's not funny! We gotta get outta here man!" the boy shouted. "How? We have no keys to the cell, we have nothing pick a lock with, and I highly doubt there's anything in this cell that can help us in this situation." I said with a tint of nervousness. "At least try to man! I don't want to find out what happens if we stay here any longer!" the boy replied. "Shhh...." I said suddenly. "What do you mean-" "Shh! Do you hear that?" I asked.

The boy quieted down and listened. Metal footsteps, multiples of them, making their way towards our cell. Walking towards us was a large number of guards from before. "Be glad that your punishment has been decided." said on guard as they stopped in front of our cell. "You two have been charged of "unlawful entry". your sentence will be the death penalty." Both the boy and I widened our eyes in disbelief. "Say what now!?" the boy shouted. "Death penalty? You're kidding me." I added. "Oh. this is no joke peasant."
"That voice.....you've got to be shitting me...." the boy said.

Walking towards our cell now, was a familiar face. His curly black hair and masculine face, the only difference is the ridiculous and perverted outfit he's wearing. A small golden crown on top of his head, the heart decorated royal cape, and nothing else but pink briefs, and pink slippers.

 A small golden crown on top of his head, the heart decorated royal cape, and nothing else but pink briefs, and pink slippers

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Heart Of A Phantom Thief | Persona 5 (Akira X Reader)  ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now